Legion Blood GS -PTR Test-

Not Used : Rune Tap, AMS, Dancing Rune Weapon, Vamp Blood, Wraith Walk, Blood Mirror.

I’ll be testing this more later once PTR stops crashing. For now I’ll just post what I got.

Talent : 1112122

Sequences['BloodDK'] = {
StepFunction = [[
		limit = limit or 1
		if step == limit then
			limit = limit % #macros + 1
			step = 1
			step = step % #macros + 1
    PreMacro = [[
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
    "/cast Marrowrend",
    "/castsequence reset=combat Death's Caress, Death Strike, Death Strike, Death Strike, Death Strike, Death Strike, Death Strike, Death Strike",
    '/castsequence reset=combat Blood Boil, Blood Boil, Marrowrend',
    '/castsequence reset=combat Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Marrowrend',
    PostMacro = [[
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

Does GS work on the PTR?

yes it does

I was doing some random heroics and also did H ICC 25 with this one.

Talents: 1112132
I’m still thinking about (L90) Rune Tap or Foul Bulwark.
I’m also thinking about (L100) Blood Mirror or Purgatory.

I’ll have to do some test on stronger things to test them out better, but it was pretty much steam roll everything last night.

Sequences['PTRTest'] = {
StepFunction = [[
		limit = limit or 1
		if step == limit then
			limit = limit % #macros + 1
			step = 1
			step = step % #macros + 1
    PreMacro = [[
/Cast [combat] Vampiric Blood
    "/cast Marrowrend",
	"/cast Death Strike",
    "/castsequence reset=combat Heart Strike, Death's Caress, Marrowrend",
    "/castsequence reset=combat Death's Caress, Heart Strike, Death's Caress, Heart Strike, Marrowrend",
    "/castsequence Blood Boil, Marrowrend, Blood Boil",
    PostMacro = [[
/TargetEnemy [noharm][dead]
/Use [combat] 13
/Use [combat] 14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();

Edit: I work today and off tomorrow (Sun). So lots n lots of test time then.

Ive been having issues trying to get my Frost one to work. I am like yourself right now on mine at the point of “Well this will have to do”

Ive always enjoyed your Frost macros. (Using your updated one right now on live)

I havent tried your /castsequence reset=combat yet? But maybe thats what I need to you know put in. So my proc’s will go off. Trouble is, I am not sure how many of Howling Blast, Etc…I need to put in that line.

If you get a chance, Check out mine and tweak it. I would love your input. :stuck_out_tongue:

With this build, I gave up on trying to solo everything and went for more DPS.
More DPS should build RP and that could offer more HPS then trying to build for HPS.

Talents: 2122113

Sequences["SquishyDK"] = {
StepFunction = [[
		limit = limit or 1
		if step == limit then
			limit = limit % #macros + 1
			step = 1
			step = step % #macros + 1
    PreMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Vampiric Blood
	"/castsequence Death Strike",
	"/castsequence Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Marrowrend",
	'/castsequence Blood Boil',
	"/castsequence reset=combat Death's Caress, Heart Strike, Heart Strike",
	"/castsequence Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Marrowrend",
	"/castsequence Death Strike",
	'/castsequence [combat] Blood Tap',
    PostMacro = [[
/TargetEnemy [noharm][dead]
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();

Death’s caress is a waste of a rune/skill for blood dk’s in legion. Don’t use it. Blood boil applies the same effect.

yeah, i only use it as i run soul gorge outside that its a rune for HS

[quote quote=29534]Death’s caress is a waste of a rune/skill for blood dk’s in legion. Don’t use it. Blood boil applies the same effect.


I believe it is the other way around. Death’s Caress is a ranged attack. Since death coil is gone, I would think less use of blood boil and more use of Death’s Caress would be better.