Legion Windwalker

Update See my post a few down for the actual macros and explanation*

Hello all,
been using macro’s in some form or another for a very long time. I have most recently done all of BRF Mythic (Quit before HFC) with a GS macro, with several server top 10 dps logs for my spec at the time (Unholy DK).

I will be switching to Windwalker for legion and wanted to get a thread started for the GS Macro.

All my previous macros were mostly kept to myself, but this time around i figured id share what i come up with. If anyone has already started testing on the PTR and would like to share that would be awesome.

The key is going to be getting a macro to not use the same ability twice! This will take advantage of the new passive Combo strikes, as well as the talent Hit combo. If anyone has any ideas as to a way to code this that would be awesome. I have a feeling it is going to be a matter of trial and error however, lots of macro editing then reading the combat log.

Once i have nailed the PvE macro down, i will modify it for PvP. I do both forms of content so i usually have 2 macros i use. I may also create a AOE macro if i find it’s needed.

I will update this thread whenever i make some progress! Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I cant wait to see your macro & progress.

As a fellow monk im looking forward to see your macro as well :slight_smile:

So far i’ve determined the rotation i would like to ideally have the macro’s perform.


Whirling Dragon Punch
Fists of Fury
Strike of the Windlord (Once legion launches and you get artifact weapon)
Tiger Palm
Rising Sun Kick
Chi Wave
Blackout Kick
Tiger Palm


Whirling Dragon Punch
Fists of Fury
Strike of the Windlord (Once legion launches and you get artifact weapon)
Rushing Jade Wind (Less than 7 targets)
Chi Burst
Spinning Crane Kick
Blackout Kick (to build Spinning Crane Kick stacks)
Tiger Palm

Storm, Earth, and Fire as well as Touch of Death will be on separate buttons as DPS cooldowns.

Potential Talents:
Single Target: 3223332
AOE: 1223312

Starting tomorrow i will start the work on the macro. Once i feel like ive nailed down something decent i will post a guide as to how to use it.

So patch day went well, came up with a macro that seems to work well with the hit combo play style. With this macro i have hit combo at 8 almost 100% of the time. All testing was done on my 710ilvl monk with 28% crit, 10% haste, 31% mastery, 9% vers

Talents: 3313132

I had tested the macro on dummies quite extensively, then tested it in a LFR Archimond kill. A link to the log is below, i maintained over 50kdps the whole fight using the ST macro. Damage fell off a bit towards the end as group was falling apart and i had to survive.
Damage Log

How I play with these macros:
So basically on pull you want to (pre-pot) hit Storm, Earth and Fire twice to activate ST mode, then hit Touch of death. Once these two abilities have been used i start to hold my macro button down (My Naga spams it). Once shortly after the pull you are low on chi and energy hit Energizing brew. At this point if you are going to take damage maybe use Touch of Karma. Other then that you basically spam macro and use SEF, Energ Brew & Touch of Death on CD.

For the AOE macro same thing just use that macro instead and only hit SEF once for AOE mode. I tried to get a macro for the actual AOE spec with Chi burst and RJW. However in testing it was always lower dps than just using my ST spec/macro with Spinning kick thrown in. I will test again maybe when legion launches at 110.

If you would like to see how i have my bars set up with my naga i have a screen shot here. 5 is my ST 3 is my AOE. I have both macro buttons set to spam when holding at 0.05/sec.

Sequences['STWind'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm,dead]

'/castsequence [combat] !Fists of Fury',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick',
'/cast [nochanneling] Rising Sun Kick',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm,Whirling Dragon Punch, Chi Wave, Blackout Kick',
'/cast [nochanneling] Tiger Palm',
'/castsequence [combat] !Fists of Fury',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick,Whirling Dragon Punch, Chi Wave',

PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Sequences['AOEWind'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm,dead]

'/castsequence [combat] !Fists of Fury',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick, Blackout Kick',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm,Whirling Dragon Punch, Chi Wave, spinning crane kick',
'/cast [nochanneling] Tiger Palm',
'/castsequence [combat] !Fists of Fury',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm,Whirling Dragon Punch, Chi Wave',

PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

I have not tested others macro’s to see how they compare to mine as WLM was down. I might if i have time later.

The Entry above mine: Working perfect!

So i wanna try this when i get home im excited to see a new one for legion, i had a question tho and only ask cause i cant find the spell. Has Storm, Earth and Fire been removed from the game because i cant seem to find it.

[quote quote=29973]So i wanna try this when i get home im excited to see a new one for legion, i had a question tho and only ask cause i cant find the spell. Has Storm, Earth and Fire been removed from the game because i cant seem to find it.


Yes for my macros your always going to start out with Storm, Earth, Fire (Press once for AOE, Twice for ST), then press Touch of Death and start using the macro.

ah i found it serenity replaces it i was like where the hell is it lol

Chi Wave does not fire, thoughts?

Not sure sorry, just checked my logs it went of 15 times in the encounter which is about right. You confirm your spec’d into it?

The macro fires on one PC but not the other; not sure what causes this.

Also, would you be able to create a PVP macro for WW? Or perhaps just add some of the larger burst CDs into this one?

This macro seems to work the best of the ones posted here on this forum. It doesn’t ever drop the combo which is impressive. It still needs a bit of work though, very often when FoF, rising sun kick, or dragon punch come off cooldown the macro can take 5+ seconds before it finally casts the ability. it seems to favor jumping back and forth between blackout kick and tiger palm a bit too much.

I’m eager to see this macro in action once you’ve fine tuned it some.

'/castsequence [combat] !Fists of Fury',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick',
'/cast [nochanneling] Rising Sun Kick',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm,Whirling Dragon Punch, Chi Wave, Blackout Kick',
'/cast [nochanneling] Tiger Palm',
'/castsequence [combat] !Fists of Fury',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick,Whirling Dragon Punch, Chi Wave',

Few things seem a bit odd here; i’m new to macro’s so please forgive me but a this macro is a standard sequential macro (12345 etc) so (| = end of macro); FoF>TP>RSK>TP>TP>FoF>TP|>FoF>BK>RSK>WDP>TP>FoF>BK|>FoF>BK>RSK>CW>TP>FoF>WDP| etc etc

two TP’s next to each other? ignore that, it’ll be 3 points by then and you shouldnt have enough energy to cast another TP.

Would it work adding chi burst after chi wave like so Chi Wave, Chi Burst, in the aoe rotation just in case you change to do more dmg as i think burst is better in aoe?

It would work in theory, the only issue i could see is Chi Burst is a cast time ability. Throwing it after Chi Wave might clip the cast time. I would just throw it on a different key and use it manually. MY guild ended up getting me to switch to a healer so i haven’t been testing this macro much. I’ll revisit it when legion launches.

Hello Verkmiester

any updates regarding artifacct wepon spell??


I don’t know anything about the complexity of making these macros, but I enjoy using them very much. I tried a bunch of WW Monk macros and this one was the best. I modified it to include the Artifact Ability and GS-E. I use mine with a Logitech Keyboard that has a Toggle and I set it to 200ms delay.

I find it rarely drops the Hit Combo, it doesn’t use the Artifact Weapon with priority as much as I’d like but again I don’t know how to really put these types of macros together. For me it is absolutely stellar and I’ve been doing fantastic ST damage. I’ve come across one rogue that has kept up with me or passed me in DPS in mythics. For Cleave, the Monk has only a rival from Demon Hunter and even them I find struggle to keep pace with me at times.

Thank you Verkmiester for such a fantastic macro. Hopefully for those that want to use this with GS-E and the Artifact weapon will find this minor tweak useful and better yet, someone who knows far better than me could adjust it even further so it’s better with the Artifact ability.

On rare occasions it seems to be starved for Chi this happens very infrequently in my uses but as I don’t really know how to put these together I don’t have any ideas how that would be improved and Hit Combo uptime is major, I’ve not found any other macro or timing delay work better than the one Verkmiester has put together.

Edit: My Results at 2minutes on Class Hall Dummy (single target only, no cleaving) are 190k - 200k iLevel 830 with no Touch of Death or Storm, Earth & Fire as I manage those separately. 26% Crit, 5% Haste, 36% Mastery, 9% Versatility.

Edit2: I’ve spent a lot more time doing testing and accounting for wildly uncommon crit streaks and changing timing to 100ms and I’ve found that on much longer fights it fluctuates fairly heavily from 170k - 190k. I am using Power Strikes instead of Energizing Elixir. I’ve found it to smooth the DPS in longer fights. Elixir is better to manage burst, but burst is already very good on the front-end starting with Touch of Death, Storm Earth & Fire and hitting the macro toggle. I think the 100ms delay performs a bit better when looking at longer fight times because you wind up having periods of everything being on CD and you’re lacking energy / chi.

Sequences['STWind'] = {
specID = 269,
author = "Verkmiester",
helpTxt = "Talents: 3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm,dead]
	'/cast [nochanneling] Strike of the Windlord',
	'/castsequence [combat] !Fists of Fury',
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Rising Sun Kick',
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm,Whirling Dragon Punch, Chi Wave, Blackout Kick',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Tiger Palm',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Strike of the Windlord',
	'/castsequence [combat] !Fists of Fury',
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick,Whirling Dragon Punch, Chi Wave',
PostMacro = [[

Unfortunately my guild ended up needing me to play a Healer, so i ended up maining a Resto Shaman. This has prevented me from leveling my monk as of yet, so it is hard for me to work on this macro at all. I do plan on leveling my monk as an alt, which hopefully will be soon as my main is 843ilvl and ready for raids. Looks like my macro has at least given some a starting point, it should really only need some minor modification to optimize for 110.