I don’t know anything about the complexity of making these macros, but I enjoy using them very much. I tried a bunch of WW Monk macros and this one was the best. I modified it to include the Artifact Ability and GS-E. I use mine with a Logitech Keyboard that has a Toggle and I set it to 200ms delay.
I find it rarely drops the Hit Combo, it doesn’t use the Artifact Weapon with priority as much as I’d like but again I don’t know how to really put these types of macros together. For me it is absolutely stellar and I’ve been doing fantastic ST damage. I’ve come across one rogue that has kept up with me or passed me in DPS in mythics. For Cleave, the Monk has only a rival from Demon Hunter and even them I find struggle to keep pace with me at times.
Thank you Verkmiester for such a fantastic macro. Hopefully for those that want to use this with GS-E and the Artifact weapon will find this minor tweak useful and better yet, someone who knows far better than me could adjust it even further so it’s better with the Artifact ability.
On rare occasions it seems to be starved for Chi this happens very infrequently in my uses but as I don’t really know how to put these together I don’t have any ideas how that would be improved and Hit Combo uptime is major, I’ve not found any other macro or timing delay work better than the one Verkmiester has put together.
Edit: My Results at 2minutes on Class Hall Dummy (single target only, no cleaving) are 190k - 200k iLevel 830 with no Touch of Death or Storm, Earth & Fire as I manage those separately. 26% Crit, 5% Haste, 36% Mastery, 9% Versatility.
Edit2: I’ve spent a lot more time doing testing and accounting for wildly uncommon crit streaks and changing timing to 100ms and I’ve found that on much longer fights it fluctuates fairly heavily from 170k - 190k. I am using Power Strikes instead of Energizing Elixir. I’ve found it to smooth the DPS in longer fights. Elixir is better to manage burst, but burst is already very good on the front-end starting with Touch of Death, Storm Earth & Fire and hitting the macro toggle. I think the 100ms delay performs a bit better when looking at longer fight times because you wind up having periods of everything being on CD and you’re lacking energy / chi.
Sequences['STWind'] = {
specID = 269,
author = "Verkmiester",
helpTxt = "Talents: 3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm,dead]
'/cast [nochanneling] Strike of the Windlord',
'/castsequence [combat] !Fists of Fury',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick',
'/cast [nochanneling] Rising Sun Kick',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm,Whirling Dragon Punch, Chi Wave, Blackout Kick',
'/cast [nochanneling] Tiger Palm',
'/cast [nochanneling] Strike of the Windlord',
'/castsequence [combat] !Fists of Fury',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick,Whirling Dragon Punch, Chi Wave',
PostMacro = [[