Limp Disk: Teach Others How to Eat Your Shield (PVE/PVP)

[quote quote=62565]
*There is an issue in GSE where if a talent taken changes the name of a spell (like Light of the Protector -> Hand of the Protector), GSE reverts to the name of the original–and will only cast it sporadically–or not as all. Disc priests are having the same issue with Luminous Shield/Power Word: Shield talent. I have submitted a report to TimothyLuke about it on GitHub.

That is why i went with Unbreakable Spirit as the talent in that row. Icy Veins says “Unbreakable Spirit will generally be your comfort pick”, and then i also avoid that issue with light of the protector getting changed.

[quote quote=62565]
Light/Hand of the Protector wasn’t firing off for me on the dummys; I added an extra line or two to get it to cast.[/quote]

Is that because you used Hand of the Protector talent instead of Unbreakable Spirit? If not, would you care to share your workaround.

[quote quote=62565]
The wording on Hand of the Protector description has changed, it reads (paraphrase) “casts on a friendly target,” so I am not certain if a conditional [@player],[@focus] is needed or not in BFA; I merely rolled around by myself and never grouped up to see who would be getting healed. Would the lucky recipient be chosen at random? If so, you might want to look into including conditionals to make certain that you receive the heals from LotP/HotP.[/quote]

Im pretty sure that it will cast it on yourself, if you have an enemy targeted. I did however not test it. But by using the Unbreakable Spirit talent as i do, there is no issue then, since Light of the Protector will not be changed into Hand of the Protector.

Im glad that you liked the macro, although its still pretty much just yours with some lines moved around :slight_smile: