💤 Lutechi 9.x+ Shadow Macro All-in-One

i have a a180 ilvl and i am only putting out 1.8k dps can someone help me with this?

This Macro shines as an opener. On your own cast VI,MB,MindBender,Power infusion(makes void almost instant),Void Form, and then mash this buttons macro as fast as you can yes it might clip some Mind flays, but so you should for DP priority, its fun with hi haste and blood lust. So many GD ghosts.

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Same, and I am often just spamming VT. Not sure what I’m doing wrong.

Quick question when using a razor mouse and setting up the macro how does 100ms look

any help would be great have not set up a macro in a while

Hello Nazz,

It should be .100 :slight_smile:

with razor i would suggest using the turbo option at 10 clicks per second that equals 100ms. For me it seems smoother then using a macro at .1

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So 2 questions

  1. I thought I knew the SP rotation but it doesnt seem to cast mind blast in this macro I only really use it when it becomes a instant cast, is that right or is the macro not working.
  2. Anyone else have a issue with the macro just stopping. And your priest just stands there until u drop target and start again

you should be casting Mind Blast on cooldown. There was an error in the macro that if a specific talent was chosen it wouldnt cast it not sure if lutechi ever fixed that. What talents are you using and ill see if i can fix it

Just tested it if misery talent is used it will not cast mind blast

there is a typo in the sequnce im surprised i never noticed it there is a : where a , should be
/castsequence [nochanneling,exists,notalent:3/2] reset=target Mind Blast, Shadow Word: Pain; [nochanneling,exists:talent:3/2] Mind Blast
between exists and telent:3/2 change : to ,

However now that there is other shadow priest macros to choose from i would recommend trying those. This macro is a good starting point but is not optimized for dps. It Is great at keeping dots on target but is bad at using mind blast void bolt and devouring plague. Those are the bread and butter of SP dps


@imsystem any particular one u can recommend

mine and only mine

Jk Mine is less of a lazy macro you have to use mods to reapply dots and go into void form.
What i recommend is try them all test them out on target dummies and see what one you like

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This one single macro had made my gaming experience so enjoyable! I struggle to manage cooldowns and keybinds and max dps rotations. Thank you so so much!!

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Wow, thank you so much for spotting this error. I was wondering why it was so clunky compared to his other macros. Now I can level faster :wink:

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I have to fix that, lol.

No wonder it wasn’t working right huh?

Thanks for finding that out! :wink:

Almost like a needle in a haystack.

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I replaced the main sequence in Lutechi’s macro with what you posted. It tends to lock up on occasion. I can’t figure out why. Maybe it’s my talents? Am I supposed to use a specific talent build with this edit?

Edit: I think I found the issue. I don’t use Auspicious Spirits. It’s only setup to use Mind Blast if I have that talent or don’t have the talent Misery, which I do.

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should work fine with all talents even with changes i have made. However i would recommend using the other shadow priest macros on the forum instead They will have better performance.

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How is it working fine when Mind Blast never casts with the talents I’ve chosen?

where would be a good spot to add mindgames?

There is a typo in the Mind Blast line. A colon is where a comma should be between exists and talent:3/2. I was wondering why Mind Blast never fired. :smile:

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Thank you! :stuck_out_tongue: Was wondering the same xD

Hey mate! Love this macro! But I got a issue. At times it just spams Vampiric Touch 5+ times. Have to swap target, get the macro running again before it starts normally. 100MS ofc