Lyn's Enh Macro Updated 2024-10-28

Hey have been working on a marco for a while now, its doing 98% of my simmed char. updated today to use is as a builder macro and u have to press ur spenders such as: LB CL. enh are way to complex to get it to work auto, so far this is the best i can do.

I dont have any patreon or anything set up, if u want to support my work i have a Paypal : Buy me a coffe or anything to keep doing work.

Gse Macro are updated 2024-10-28.


Talents that im currently using in both raid and m+ are :


Has anyone tried this one yet?

Trying right now on dummies

Good work, best one so far; working great w/ Hekili to time Elemental Blast and Cooldowns. DPS 800K-1.2M. 250MS.

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works very well thank you!

I’m just missing lava lash on the rotation is it possible to add?

What MS are you guys running at? @david-johansson What MS should I run this at?

i spam this macro between 100-180ms since i have it on my keyboard and not using razer synaps etc :slight_smile:

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lava lash should be in the rotation, i will double check this! might be a MS problem

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Copy that, been running it on my razer mouse will try with these numbers

what’s working for me might not work for you, test it out with diffrent numbers and report back on wich number it worked best for you

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Hey, I noticed that Flame Shock never goes off. I know that the sequence is supposed to use it when I switch or select a new target but not sure why it doesn’t go off?

updated the import link, see if it works better now, is working great for me and applying FS without any problem


Hello where is the macro located I do not see it on wago

for macros, it is better to put bind skills to proc like Elemental Blast that you put in your sequence but which is not in activate in the skill tree mm+. the spells lightning, chain lightning must be cast with 10 of maeltrom, not at 5/9. it also avoids having to move continuously during combat. Otherwise, it is clean, I had fun reediting your macro to integrate my shift / alt / ctrl and with my shamelio, I am at 476k mono for a sim at 486k with 560ilv

the importstring can be found at top of the site, but here it is

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where is your macro ? :O)

Its on this site… read the first post he have make :slight_smile:

Love the macro. Any chance to get the spenders on modifiers? Thank you!

Can I get your GSE cast sequence please?