Macro/Talents for 7.2 with Mantle of Command

Hi Gween, hope you had a nice Easter. I know that to cast an optimal sequence, that beastmaster will have some small down time. Your macro work has helped a lot of us enjoy the game, and we thank you

What are your thoughts on concusive and chimera shots? Alsways useless?

Find a way of getting a /cast Revive Pet in the macro?

/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1; [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix" works great the first time your pet leaps to something faster then the tank, but then what?

Since the changes to Dire Frenzy, I find my pets DOA fairly often.

Concussive Shot does no damage and only functions as a snare.

Chimaera Shot is a huge DPS loss compared to Stomp and Dire Frenzy.

Easy enough actually, once I thought about it.


/cast Mend Pet


/cast Revive Pet

If the pet is alive it will cast Mend Pet, if it is dead it will cast Revive Pet.

I will play around with it and see how best to optimize this.

[quote quote=47317]

Find a way of getting a /cast Revive Pet in the macro?

Easy enough actually, once I thought about it. Change: /cast Mend Pet to: /cast Revive Pet If the pet is alive it will cast Mend Pet, if it is dead it will cast Revive Pet. I will play around with it and see how best to optimize this. [/quote]

Thanks, I seem to get into a race condition where it seems stuck and perpetually screams at me.

I use this format as I do not want the DPS hit of healing my Quilen which I use in Raid/Mythic+:

/cast [pet:Spirit Beast][pet:Core Hound][pet:Water Strider] Mend Pet

Also, I added water walking to the PreMacro section. Saves a key:

/cast [nocombat,pet:Water Strider] Surface Trot

Gween can I please see your logs, I wanna compare my gear to yours, you can PM me if you don’t wanna post them up. I’m on mythic progression right now and I wanna copy your talent choices for each fight

Do you guys using Dire Frenzy -if so, how many stacks you can hold ? I have view amount of haste and most of the times i do have one Stack only, so i start using stomp (also single target).

You can see them here:

[quote quote=47317]/cast Revive Pet

If the pet is alive it will cast Mend Pet, if it is dead it will cast Revive Pet.

I will play around with it and see how best to optimize this.[/quote]

I added functionality to the macro to provide for a pet rez for times it is dead and HOTP is not available.

I also added optional functional to block Dire Frenzy if you want to manage haste stacks or Focus.

For those following this thread, I wanted to mention that I have seen my AOE damage fall off quite a bit. Most of it is understandable, such as not using ‘Stomp’. In Nighthold, this seems fine as the trade-off is my single target damage has gone up significantly. So now rather than attempting to ‘pad’ my dps with AOE I focus more on boss damage, and do some incidental AOE when appropriate.

Love the macro. Have a question if I wanted to take out all the pet healing how bad would it mess up the macro. Reason why is that I like to be in more control of the spirit mend ability.

I just wanted to thank you for this macro, I just allowed myself to get back into raiding and using this macro I was able to hit 555k dps at ilvl 884 on Gul’dan, which put me in the 99th percentile for my bracket. Very great work and well documented, thanks again.


I love your macro and appreciate all the time and effort you have put into it not to mention keeping us updated in this forum. A hearty thank you. I have added a couple of things for consideration. In mine I include in “keypress” just for convenience:
“/petautocastoff [group] Growl”,
“/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl”,
“/cast [combat,pet,@player] Roar of Sacrifice”,
“/cast [combat] Intimidation”,
This incase I switch pets and Intimidation is not on the gcd so I figure it doesn’t hurt
Additionally I use the following in the “Premacro” incase I play around with my talents and also keeping the “Mend Pet” in the main macro:
“/cast [nochanneling, talent:6/1] A Murder of Crows; [nochanneling, talent:6/2] Barrage; [nochanneling, talent:6/3] Volley”,
“/cast [nogroup] Mend Pet”,
“/cast [@target,noexists,nochanneling,nogroup] Fetch”,

The “Fetch” is just laziness, lol

In my PvP version I also include in the “Premacro”:
“/cast Viper Sting”,
“/cast Concussive Shot”,

Thanks again…you rock!!

Not at all. Its entirely optional.

[quote quote=47373]“/petautocastoff [group] Growl”,
“/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl”,[/quote]

I don’t use these for a couple of reasons. The most important is that adding these types of lines and things like “/petattack” causes lag and often disconnects in my experience. I experimented with putting this in the premacro section to control how often it is used, but without success unfortunately.

I honestly don’t think it is worth it for the rather meager benefit.

I used to have a Roar of Sacrifice line in the macro, but opted to remove it because I literally NEVER run a pet in Cunning. If you use Cunning, then by all means it is worth including it.

Same as above, I don’t spec into Intimidation (I don’t PvP much at all). But used as an opener with this macro, I bet it would be tremendous.

I have said it before and I will say it again. To me the main purpose of the macro is to provide a solid base upon which to build your own personalized macro. Everyone plays different, and not just the differences between raiders and PvPers and world questers, etc. We all have different styles. Glad you are enjoying success with the macro :slight_smile:


just wondering, in previous macro you posted I remember you have a conditional set up where when you pressed the key your macro would fire off multi shot. now you have made a separate aoe macro, wondering why. was wondering if you’d could put the multi shot conditional back in the beast macro. worked great tonight but I found myself either not turning the beast macro off when switching to aoe, and once or twice forgetting to turn it back on. seems to me that the conditionals you had set up in your 7.15 macro would be nice here as well. I see it looks like there is a line in the 7.2 beast macro that I thought was this conditional, line 33 of beast, thought that with pressing/holding down ctrl would only fire multi but that didn’t work. anyway this macro is wonderful just hoping you can add the multi shot conditional back in. if it is there and I am misunderstanding how to activate please let me know. thank you much for all your time and feedback

I still use a conditional (CTRL) to use Multi-Shot. It blocks out Kill Command, AMOC and Cobra Shot. I did the AOE macro by request by someone in this thread who wanted a macro without the conditional.

In the macro that is listed in the original post of this thread (that I use) holding CTRL works to use Multi-Shot, not sure why that isn’t working for you.


Did you have to do anything special tp be able to use the control key in tjis way. While using ctrl, pets spaz out start running back and forth between the target and me, multi never fires. Not sure if there is a default key binding that I need to rempve in interface pr what I have tested this multiple times with always the results above. With your keyboard macro did you have to do anything special? Really trying to get this figured out.

No, my UI is pretty basic, barely changed from the default. You are the only one reporting this issue, that I have heard of.

I use the left CTRL key, beyond that, I am at a loss.

@ gween,

Hmm doing same, left control key, but no multi and pets running crazy. Maybe I have control keyboumd somewhere else and that’s the issue, will have to check. Just to make sure I understand, a press and hold of control key while macro is running, blocks other abilities and fires only multi? No modifier key jas to be pressed as well? Everything else is working flawlessly for me but this
I really do appreciate your time amd patience in helping me figure this out. This macro is insanely good and I am wanting to squeeze it for every drop it is worth.

Can you use this macro and just spam a key that the macro is set to for instance i have single target set to key one and aoe set to key 2 i have a blackwidow keyboard have not tried them yet just set them up so will this work i know with gse i could just spam the macro key