Hello friends,
I provide you with a somewhat “universal” macro for a 113x1x1 / 333x2xx
I was inspired by several macro to achieve this one
I created this macro for the fact that I use the two builds, mythic for one and raid for the other, I encountered a lot of problems by changing each time between two macro

1: Macro Full
2: Macro Compress
3: PVP Mode
4: Save Macro

/castsequence [modifier:shift] reset=5 Manavore, Torrent arcanique(Raciale)
/stopmacro [modifier:shift]
/cast Nova du chaos

/cast [target=cursor] Métamorphose

/castsequence reset=5 Retraite vengeresse, Ruée fulgurante, Rayon accablant


Usage Information

Build: 113x1x1 / 333x2xx
1: Version Long
2: Version Short
3: PVP

This macro contains 4 macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.35.

  • The Default macro is 1
  • PVP uses version 3
  • Arenas use version 3

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Marque immorale

KeyPress: Torrent arcanique, Manavore, Rayon accablant

Main Sequence: Danse des lames, Tempête de glaives, Marque immorale, Frappe du chaos, Morsure du démon, Aura d’immolation

KeyRelease: Aura d’immolation, Marque immorale

Macro Version 2

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Marque immorale

KeyPress: Torrent arcanique, Manavore, Rayon accablant

Main Sequence: Danse des lames, Tempête de glaives, Marque immorale, Frappe du chaos, Morsure du démon, Aura d’immolation

KeyRelease: Aura d’immolation, Marque immorale

Macro Version 3

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Marque immorale, Lancer de glaive

KeyPress: Torrent arcanique, Manavore, Rayon accablant

Main Sequence: Danse des lames, Tempête de glaives, Marque immorale, Frappe du chaos, Morsure du démon, Aura d’immolation

KeyRelease: Marque immorale, Lancer de glaive, Aura d’immolation

Macro Version 4

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Marque immorale

KeyPress: Torrent arcanique, Manavore, Rayon accablant

Main Sequence: Danse des lames, Ruée fulgurante, Métamorphose, Rayon accablant, Retraite vengeresse, Lancer de glaive, Morsure du démon, Frappe du chaos

KeyRelease: Aura d’immolation, Marque immorale

Will try later today

Thank you especially do not hesitate to give me a feedback in order to better improve this macro

What version is for 113x1x1?

the macro and made to be used with any version, which means that you can choose version 1 as 2

I don’t understand any of this.
Why are there two talent builds, does that mean i have to go change it everytime i’m going to do something different?

The goal of this macro is to be able to use a macro for two specifications,

this makes it possible to avoid having two macro and to change macro compared to the specification

I usually use V1 for all my Mythics with a 113xxxx spec and also this in Raid with a 333xxx spec.

I’ve found myself in a raid a few times where I change specs and start the fight and end up with the wrong macro just carelessly, so I created a universal macro.

I also add that on a standard macro if you change your macro spe it also modifies and becomes unusable hence the creation of this macro.

The V4 and just a backup macro
V3 and the PVP macro
Of course for build 11xxx and 33xxx

So you just have to change the talent tree and the macro applies the changes.

Had to remove the following, using an English client and the macro was hanging on these.

/click NOVA
/click Rayon accablant
/click META DPS
/click Ruée fulgurante
/click SAUT

This are personal macro which is not part of the Base build

Then you may want to remove non-generic / race/faction specific options from the macro and re-post it.

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after I am French so I play in FR version, you just have to put your talent on google and you will find the English name of the talent compared to French

Things you can remove that don’t bother you about macro :

/click NOVA
/click Rayon accablant
/click META DPS
/click Ruée fulgurante
/click SAUT
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Marque immorale

Its not a bad macro but the issue with it is that because you wrote this on a FR client importing to an english client (or other for that matter) alters the way its copied into gse.

For example macro 1 copies over with no chaos strike in it (/castsequence [nochanneling,notalent:2/3] Demon Blades, Annihilation, Annihilation) as you can see it does know that it supposed to be casting that spell but it thinks it means the meta version. the problem is that it will never cast CS just ann when you meta which is a MASSIVE dps loss

Macro 2 works fine on the import (/castsequence [nochanneling,notalent:2/3] Demon Blades, Chaos Strike, Chaos Strike) and thus will use CS during non meta and ANN during meta.

this is just a heads up for future macro making if you post in a lang outside the typical english version which most who come here would prob use