I have a issue with GSE macros not showing any spell change on actionbar (using elvui) when it change spell to use next. I have been ripping my hair and I am about to give up. It’s just a simple rotation for a fresh pally (planned to upgrade macros as I go): /castsequence [combat, nochanneling] Seal of Righteousness, Judgement I do have a shift mod for a spell I dont have yet, but I never had issues before it should still show current spell casting in fight. Is there a issue with gse itself?. If so, how do I do this as a normal macro to cast only in combat?. Don’t get [combat] to work in normal macro. It’s really annoying. Please help me.
Won’t update with castsequence - Blizzard doesn’t let us see the state of a castsequence outside of their api.
As for the other - you need to put [combat] in front of every line you want to be protected to in combat only.
Thanks Timothy, but it doesnt seem [combat] does the trick for me. However [nochanneling] made it work on my pally as even with [nocombat] it would cast my seal over and over anyways. Don’t know why. To bad we cant see the sequences, maybe I can use weakauras and domino or something for a overlay to show things. Or try to make the macros as individual cast with conditionals. ?. Thanks for the imput
Different version but same error.
My icon will not change from the pet skill Dash
Here is the code
Key Press
/castsequence [noharm][dead]
/cast [mod:alt,@cursor] Binding Shot
/cast [@pet,dead] Mend Pet
/cast [nochanneling] Dash
/cast [nochanneling] Claw
/cast [nochanneling] Growl
/Cast [nochanneling] Catlike Reflexes
/cast [nochanneling] Bite
/cast [nochanneling] Smack
/cast [@focus,help,nochanneling][help][@pet,exists,nochanneling] Misdirection
/castsequence [nopet,nodead] reset=combat Call Pet 1, null
/cast [nochanneling,mod:Shift] Feign Death
/cast [nochanneling,mod:Ctrl] Disengage
/cast [nochanneling,mod:ALT] Multi-Shot
Key Release
/cast [nochanneling] Aspect of the Wild
/cast [nochanneling,exists] Kill Shot
The first spell it found was dash - if you want it to show something else you might want to rewrite your macro. All that pet stuff could easily be after your characters abilities have fired.