I created this forum account using a gmail account I don’t use.
Because there is no option to simply choose my forum name and password while registering, there are only options to link to one of many social profiles. The default people are using is the character name, server, level etc.
Only that you now broadcast to the world that you are using macros deemed illegal to wow. If a GM is so inclined he can wait for you to log into the game, confirm you do indeed use macros they don’t want you using, goodbye.
I’d hate to see anyone banned because their character name and server was on a publicly viewable forum, it really needs to be made private to protect people from outing themselves, or, let people just enter a name and password and email address of their choice to register with. It’s a cool looking forum feature but it’s mandatory to show the world REAL info on a forum about something the game developers don’t want you using… it’s not a good combo imo.
except that macros are not illegal
They are if you push one button to make all your spells work, which is most of those on here.
No, you’re pushing 1 button “multiple” times to make your spells work. This is allowed and is actually done and used within WoW itself through it’s own macro set.
This is essentially linking multiple macros into 1 macro, the same effect can be used ingame by swapbar etc.
The illegal part of macros is where you push 1 button and it will automate your entire rotation, which this is not doing. You have to use external/additional software to rapidly push the button to progress through the lines that’s sent through GSE to WoW.
I suggest before you go trolling more that you go read up on the subject you want to troll about and learn how it works before offering baseless accusations.
And using AutoHotKey with WOW is also allowed according to Blizzard. We have a blue response saying such.
GSE and all the macros here adhere to the rules One Button Press, One GCD action. The macro cannot and does not make decisions about when to use a spell. While it appears that it is choosing this for you its not. Its simply attempting to use an ability based on a predefined order that is specified outside of combat and without paying attention to things like procs or event circumstances. These choices are left to you are the player not the mod or the macro hence.
If you write a bot to over come these limitation and use GSE with that bot, its the bot you will get banned for.
I am not entirely sure what you mean, I dont use my toon name on this site.
Its never been a requirement. I guess its a matter of preference.
As for whatever you are saying about Macro’s…I have been using this site I believe since either Cata or Mists. But my point is, I have been using this awhile. So again, I dont understand what you are trying to say?
same dam kid who started demanding crap awhile back