Many macros contain incorrect update dates in the post / Viele Makros enthalten falsche Aktualisierungsdaten im Beitrag

Hello dear Macro creators,

First of all, a huge thank you for all the hard work you put into creating macros! However, I’d like to address an issue that I and probably others have noticed. Many of you state an update date in your posts, for example, “Update 11/30/2023,” but the talent tree shared with the macro often does not match the current one. The accompanying screenshots are also outdated, showing the old skills. This results in some macros not being usable anymore because the talent tree no longer aligns with the changed skills.

While it’s possible to import the old talent tree code from Wowhead to update it, there’s uncertainty about whether everything will still work correctly. Some skills may have been removed or placed in a different position. Therefore, it would be desirable for macro updates to consider the talent tree and screenshots. The same goes for the sometimes missing macro scripts, whether for AHK or for MMO mice/macro keys on keyboards.

Despite this criticism, I want to express my gratitude for all your efforts. If I had the means, I would gladly give back to all of you.

Best regards and thanks again!

Hallo liebe Makro-Ersteller,

zunächst einmal ein riesiges Dankeschön für eure unermüdliche Arbeit und die großartigen Makros, die ihr erstellt! Dennoch möchte ich auf ein Problem aufmerksam machen, das mir und sicherlich auch anderen aufgefallen ist. Viele von euch geben in ihren Beiträgen ein Aktualisierungsdatum an, zum Beispiel “Update 30.11.2023”, aber der Talentbaum, der mit dem Makro geteilt wird, entspricht oft nicht mehr dem aktuellen Stand. Die beigefügten Screenshots sind ebenfalls veraltet, da sie die alten Fähigkeiten zeigen. Dies führt dazu, dass einige Makros nicht mehr richtig funktionieren, da der Talentbaum nicht mehr zu den veränderten Fähigkeiten passt.

Es ist zwar möglich, den alten Talentbaum-Code über Wowhead zu importieren, um ihn zu aktualisieren, aber es besteht die Unsicherheit, ob alles noch korrekt funktioniert. Einige Fähigkeiten wurden möglicherweise entfernt oder an eine andere Position verschoben. Daher wäre es wünschenswert, dass bei Aktualisierungen der Makros auch der Talentbaum und die Screenshots berücksichtigt werden. Gleiches gilt für die teilweise fehlenden Makro-Scripts, sei es für AHK oder für MMO-Mäuse/Makrotasten auf Tastaturen.

Trotz dieser Kritik möchte ich betonen, dass ich eure Mühe und Arbeit sehr schätze. Wenn ich die Mittel hätte, würde ich euch allen gerne etwas zurückgeben.

Liebe Grüße und nochmals herzlichen Dank!

P.S. Solltet ihr meinen Beitrag als unhöflich empfunden haben, bitte ich aufrichtig um Entschuldigung. Es war keinesfalls meine Absicht, unfreundlich zu klingen. Ich schätze eure Arbeit sehr und wollte lediglich konstruktive Kritik äußern.

Vielen Dank für euer Verständnis.

P.S. If you found my message to be impolite, I sincerely apologize. It was not my intention to sound unfriendly. I highly appreciate your work and only aimed to provide constructive feedback.

Thank you for your understanding.

some of the ones you are talking about, might be made by creators from different countries. i know a few countries teach their citizens to write dates in a different order. i was told once that australia does that.

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that’s right what you say but what i meant is , as an example the creator of the macro wrote it in january, everything is fine now on november 30th 2023 he writes as headline macro updated on november 30th 2023 . and that may all be correct, but the talents are usually forgotten to update because most macros are tuned and written to the old talent tree, but since there was an update regarding the talent tree where some skills were moved or even removed, the old talent tree no longer fits and it doesn’t help to use a macro if you don’t know how the talent tree is skilled in the new one.

lol yeah that makes sense. since alot of ppl dont know about the way other countries do stuff. thought i would put out that information. :slight_smile:

I get asked often what is the best class to use with GSE. My answer is simple “the one you know how to play without a macros”.

If you know the class well enough that you understand what’s happening to your talent trees you’re not going to be stumped by the talents as you will already know both how they have changed and the impact they have on your macro.

If you don’t know this frankly you shouldn’t be playing the class with a macro in the first place.


i would like to give my opinion too. i disagree using macros greatly improves the way you use the class for so many reasons. manually it is impossible to be able to do what a macro does both in intensity and speed of execution:
if you use a class you are bound to have to press several keys in sequence and you will never be as accurate and fast as the macro. even knowing the class perfectly you will always run into human errors (wrong key, wrong movement, etc. etc.). the macro just has to be written and executed and set as best as possible to be perfect. by hand human speed will not be able to keep up with a software. many here in the site create all-in-one macros often wrong for the purposes of certain content (mythical plus raid end game in general), see interrup stun etc written inside the macros . there are mechanics ddove for example in m+ you have to wait for precise area stuns boss interrupts at determinant moments etc . it is also true that the basic macros were created for a different motivation of principle , help people enjoy wow avenndo unfortunately personal probblemi in playing,

Translated with (free version)

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You are fundamentally correct in what you are saying.

However, that’s not the point right now.
It’s just that when one writes something that is current, but the talent trees have changed beforehand, and there are already talent trees that do not match the current state, then my statement is indeed correct.

It’s just easier when the trees are also current. Because they can’t tell me that they didn’t have to change the tree, because some of them were reset because they changed or removed abilities for the reason I mentioned.

This means that the code also changes, right?

And that’s what I meant.

And no, I don’t mean that it has to be done, but if that’s the case, then there should already be some that work, or am I wrong?