Marksman Hunter One Button Macros (Newest)


hello i have 160 ms world i dont know how i do that macro…the arcane shot with the thirll of the hunt dont shoot…all is okay only the factor of arcane shot with thirill of the hunt.

thnks :smiley:

I really like this but the problem is that Serpentsting and Widow venom only occure just 1 time and I have been testing it for 10 mins on a dummy, so in 10 mins 1x serpent sting been shot and 1x widow venom…

can you help me with this? I have tried reset= 3 to 5 but still not working, by the way my MS is 5 and sometimes goes up to 10

[quote quote=15180]hello i have 160 ms world i dont know how i do that macro…the arcane shot with the thirll of the hunt dont shoot…all is okay only the factor of arcane shot with thirill of the hunt.

thnks :D

160ms is pretty high but I might be able to come up with something to work with that kind of latency… I am currently still working on these but I will let you know asap.

[quote quote=15319]I really like this but the problem is that Serpentsting and Widow venom only occure just 1 time and I have been testing it for 10 mins on a dummy, so in 10 mins 1x serpent sting been shot and 1x widow venom…

can you help me with this? I have tried reset= 3 to 5 but still not working, by the way my MS is 5 and sometimes goes up to 10


I will work something out as I have been testing Survival the most because of it’s dos at the moment. But I will update this asap for you also.


Awesome verboten,can`t wait ! thanks for your effort