Marksman Macro 8.1 Ready

Okay guys, I figured I would make a new post to make the macro easier to find. Also, I changed a few things around with the single target and the AOE macro for a bit more DPS. These macros are set up to be used with a stag for the Tenacity pet family damage reduction and a Bat for the Ferocity pet family Haste buff. You can use no pet to get the lone wolf buff, but I would not recommend it in most situations. The DPS is relatively the same and having a pet that has a dispell every 10 seconds is a nice group buff. Any questions let me know, once 8.1 is fully released I will check out the new talents and see if Barrage will be worth it to add to the macro.

dmKyeaWjvQmlcSlvk(LKmmKKJPILHINrvMgv11i02uK(gsQXPsoNIO1PsP7POAGsaoOkvTqjKEibLMOQGlsqXgjOQpcIYibroPeQvkr6LsiMPeXnPsTtv1qLO6OsaTujq9uunvKyRsG8vcQ8wKYDrQ2lP)kb1GfoSslMk5XiMSQOldTzfHpRknAq60G61suMnkDBj1UL63enCcYXvuwUcphy6IUovSDvH(UeKXdIQZdc7NY6rPO)JYlryeUI)f2T7cZPOFgLIYPSSyNaLFomEmEmkhsiRqkNYYIDcS4bCI1HnV1IZHXJXJXk9E2ehBc)iERfUWmXHf3lrl2(PfT0ci50joUdyH7DuMfU3EFRXoVXIZHHHXJXk1k9lt82ITWfC)0IAiSasoDIJ7aw4EhLzrkTOaVXkfoTagybUaiSiLwulFeTyIHS2IChVyArkTi3XlMwKqX(gL)aoX6WM6)OCUqiP4h0pJOVYDVKHSGWbaw2aLI(pkf9FuEfzbjaN5GnbTGwljq3Urw4(LUfdeG5CIS21MwyXzsFpFbwCUe9eV0pJYRiliTGrKAQ891VNYRilib4mhSjOf0Ajb62nYc3V0TyGamNtK1U20cloxIEIxcSqC6u)JaloxIEIx63x5vKfKaCMd2e0cATKaD7gzH7x6wmqaMZjYAxBAHfNlrpXlbwioDQ)rGfNlrpXl9lQ8kYcsaoZbBcAbTwsGUDJSW9lDlgiaZ5ezTRnTWIZLON4Lalot675R8sKsHkbUgov(r5fbHOGrwCbOsr)hLxrwqcWzoytqlO1sc0TBKfUFPBXabyoNiRDTPfwWmLkFQy0u5fbHO8bcakf9FuELqyUzUKY0pJYRYD8Ij2ynewqRLq3rnDApX9jD97P8kYcslOvatijoabiKddsGGw(e3NcAjb62nYc3V0TWZ3NAQ1VVYRiliTqyz3cPFrLxrwqAbVEjLP)PkVISG0Id1mIE6NALx5aql(B6mW7awazJLG6)s5voa0cUSHjwuu2fKAQCEIcj8onjHLTYlFalhWjekV8b6EjdPsr)hLxrwqcWzoytqlO1sc0TBKfUFPBXabyoNiRDTPfwCM03ZxGfTdlRMkVCjiDVKHuPO)JYRilib4mhSjOf0Ajb62nYc3V0TyGamNtK1U20clyMsLpvmAQPMk)ENeQCO8sWcb3k392olBXDIJhXoHLTwun1uvUsage Information
Talents Default: 1123232
Alterative: better Aoe and no Hunter’s Mark Managment. 1122232

Note:I bind my Hunter’s Mark to Q.
it is easy to move from target to target then.

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.02.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Aimed Shot

KeyPress: Misdirection, Bite

Main Sequence: Rapid Fire, Aimed Shot, Steady Shot, Arcane Shot

KeyRelease: Double Tap

Post Macro: Double Tap

dqKeeaWjvGzHQAxkQ6xkYWufhdrltONHQmnf6AQkBtv13uPgNGiNtqL1POY9ujgOGqhuc1cfu8qurzIQqUOGQ2OGGpkiXivH6KsGvkH8sbPMPIIBIkTta)uqudvc6OOIQLkiPNIYurWwvuQVIksVLuCxsP9s8xbLgSOdR0ILOEmstwf1LH2SePpRknAe60a9AjIzlWTvWUL63KmCuHJRISCj9CqtNQRtQ2UkOVROKXJkIZRsA)uwifccaPWMj8CAbaHLl3WwCihEbikeegHnaBhkmsYymsgf2ryPREGlaKc7ymGdHrydW2HwEew6Qh4ZzjjzKxKx0kQ4ahRRdEioNLLr3XQLfRql3(SLTYYJ1BhRhaTK7wlXsUBVVdy7ZBjjzmg5fTISIauooxbwwgSpB5WvlpwVDSEa0sUBTelDLLC(8wrGULGqlXfE1sxz5G6q0YsRQbl9T(IULUYsFRVOBPte75fgJdKwWrcq8BuyCxAvnBScbvnuiiaKcbbGuyt0f6q8Ko2u0snTIsC7gda7xTwwri6xOQHYRBPLXV7)4dFljd3iVr(wg)U)Jpcquyt0f6q8Ko2u0snTIsC7gda7xTwwri6xOQHYRBPLXV7)4dFlJF3pJJcapHnrxOdXt6ytrl10kkXTBmaSF1AzfHOFHQgkVULwg)U)Jp8T87)FKuagf2eDHoepPJnfTutROe3UXaW(vRLveI(fQAO86wAz87(p(W3sYWnYBKVLXV7)4JWMrP4ygWbqxyKcl041qfdWfIcbbGuyt0f6q8Ko2u0snTIsC7gda7xTwwri6xOQHYRBPLX)NXNO4cJ5ihHGEtDqvlScRGQkOFvyHgVwyfHqHGaqkSjoqFDFPLiarHn5B9fDSXHRwQPve36GwnNX9SwbGNWMOl0TutiwQIQd5JCci0H8B1zCpZVvuIB3yay)Q1sEJJ33cWOWMOl0TKZc2zjaFcBIUq3s2Wslra(f2eDHULK3XpEcWTWM0HOLaRRxXdGwgk1LIcqijSjDiAjt1GuldtWcDXfwHvK7sRkHG4cRqf05U0QsiiaKcBIUqhIN0XMIwQPvuIB3yay)Q1Ykcr)cvnuEDlTm()m(efxCXfwX6orvvyZGZcSfg3T13GcAhRhITdQAjmIlUiaUsage Information
Talents Default: 1123232
Alterative: better Aoe and no Hunter’s Mark Managment. 1122232

Note:I bind my Hunter’s Mark to Q.
it is easy to move from target to target then.

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.02.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Misdirection, Bite

Main Sequence: Multi-Shot, Aimed Shot, Rapid Fire, Steady Shot

KeyRelease: Double Tap

Post Macro: Double Tap

Note: Trueshot is not included in the macro, it works best when you pop it yourself when you Rapid Fire and Aimed Shot are on cool down.

Whats your dps looking like for this?
Any parses?

No, but it’s the best numbers I have gotten from MM so far.

your Aoe is not firing off for me

Got it fixed, thanks

Any geared Hunters with decent Traits wanna upload some logs and share?

Going to check the macro with the new talents to figure out the best setup in 8.1

Interesting that you’ve chosen LETHAL SHOT over DOUBLE TAP. Icy Veins claims that’s the worse option

“Going to check the macro with the new talents to figure out the best setup in 8.1”

just read what i wrote in the post before

Just updated the talents for the changes in 8.1.
Two talent option, one involves management of Hunter’s Mark
The other one is easier just a little bit less single target.


what will you recomend setting the ms to - when using AHK?
it is a realy smoth and good macro ty


Hey Jimmy, To be honest with you i just press the button my self for the most part.
i would try different numbers and see what works best.
sorry i couldn’t be of more help to you.

that is ok ty :slight_smile:


I feel like I have to be doing something wrong with this. Despite being 370 and simming around 15.7k, I’m only able to get 12.5k out of this macro set on a ST encounter.

How are you testing? Are you on a training dummy? Is the sim yu are looking at using raid buffs or no buffs? Make sure you turn off all raid buffs in your sims. Being within 700 to 1000 of your sim results on a training dummy is pretty solid. You will see far different results vs a raid boss I bet.

hello, unfortunately hunter mm is almost impractical to do macro . for its complex mechanics of proc cd and everything is impossible to put some kind of rotation.
I’m sorry to say but I think it’s one of the classes with impossibility to do in macro.

has too complex mechanics based on buff proc costs 0 etc. there is no real rotation.

any updates ?