🧙 Master Arcanist - 11.0.5 - 10/30/24 - Raid/M+/Delve/Open World

That’s true, however that particular edit is to make sure you do NOT auto-pull, forcing you to manually start combat with like Arcane Blast or something (manually). This may not be what people want though, so it is very optional since it requires you to manually initiate combat using a spell of your choice :slight_smile: .

I need to edit the post to make this more clear.

EDIT: Answered my own question, so I added it to my tweaks post.

Do you think this example of the FIRST block would work, while also preventing an auto-pull?

/cleartarget [dead]
/cast [mod:alt,combat,nochanneling] Arcane Barrage
/cast [nocombat nochanneling] Arcane Blast
/cast [nochanneling:Evocation, Shifting Power] Mirror Image

Once this maintenance period is over, ill go in, do some changes and test.

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Great macro and thank you for your work. However, the macro is casting Arcane Barrage occasionally whenever I press it without using any modifiers. I tested that I am getting a 30+ million DPS increase when casting Arcane Barrage by itself when I have 4 arcane charges available.

I don’t know if this is intended or it’s an issue with my setup? I bound the sequence to my ConsolePort gamepad key binding. Thanks again for all your work.

Updated mod so that every single barrage is on an alt modifier so you can fire it off when you have 4 charges. Not really an AIO anymore but should hopefully work.


Thanks for this info! I’ll change my stuff in-game and my tweaks post :slight_smile:

Hey guys!

been loving this so far, good damage and I’m just ilvl 430 but I noticed that alt and shift don’t work, it was working before I logged out last night, came back and now it just locks up the macro when alt or shift is pressed.

I also tried Silencer711’s auto target mode but it basically killed the macro I did follow the instructions but it didn’t work like other I have tried for reference this what I had

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

Thanks again guys the macro either goes boom!! hehe :smiley:

Might be a bug with GS:E. Check for updates. Also, look and make sure your macro key isnt binded to anything else with the shift and alt combination in keybinds.


Tried this out after my brother pointed out the tech behind GSE and lazy casting / macros in general. I don’t know if I’m using the macro incorrectly, but there seems to be a significant loss of DPS during opener, arcane soul, and wasted burden of power procs. On 5 target cleave, I was able to achieve 750k dps using the macro. Whereas, doing my own rotation I was able to sustain, 1.5-6 mil dps. I think there could be some improvement to the opener, and overall cooldown usage during touch of the magi window, and when arcane surge is used.

Up to provide more info as requested.

Not changing or adding anything to the macro initial provided.
Working as I had hoped for. Doing very well in the dungeons. Level 77 so far. Again, thanks a bunches.

Yeah thats the downside of these macros, they wont be able to be real human casted rotations because of how macros work in both wow and gse sadly.

Guessing you are copying the talents string and not the macro string

So in normal raids, I’m averaging 450k-500k DPS, but I’m simming at 900k. I’m the lowest DPS in my guild, though not by much. I’m not sure what can change or improve to increase DPS from the macro.

I also have full best buffs (food, flasks, oil, etc) and using my trinket during burst.

edit: also this is with me also never doing mechanics, just straight dpsing the boss

2nd edit: Most dmg so far had been on Broodtwister Ovi’nax, was around 570k, max dps was around 770k (with potion, BL, etc)

I have to be doing something wrong, im 585iLvL and the lowest DPS in every group…

Hey Vince, thanks for the work this is doing good dps and i like it, a lot!

Question: Are you updating this at all for the changes they are doing? I’ve been wondering :slight_smile:

Honestly, Arcande is very much proc based. So I can add the normal proc based spells on keybinds and it will rely on you to hit the correct modifier for when the spell procs. If that is what yall want.

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How many proc based things do you think there would be to get the most dmg out of the macro? If it really improves dmg by a lot and I will only need to press like 2 extra buttons then I would be 100% down to do it.

If it ain’t too much trouble I would say that would make it even better I have done something similar but i would just bind other buttons to stuff like arcane barrage

Basically if we say normal rotation with mods in them then we could do higher and / or more sustained damage in a fight, use important cooldowns when necessary like evocation or arcane surge

Also you could do 2 versions of it, all in one like it is now and mod version

Either way it awesome that you have done this to begin with looking forward to any fixes you are able to make :slight_smile:

Hi, Vince. First of all, thank you a lot for doing this macro. I love it. I use it when my procs are down or on cooldown and its making wonders on mythic 0.

Anyway, I wanted to ask you this: will it use my trinket or I better use it manually? I hate inserting trinkets on my rotation, so if I can get lazy on this, it would be awesome (not a very popular opinion, I know lol)

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Alright, change up the rotation slightly. Added both Arcane Barrage and Arcane Missiles to Alt and Ctrl respectively.

Give it a test, let me know.