🧙 Master Arcanist - 11.0.5 - 10/30/24 - Raid/M+/Delve/Open World

Heyo fellow macro users! Was asked to try and come up with an Arcane spec macro. This is not the best at all. Will need feedback and help to make this better than what it is!

:mage::sparkles: WeakAuras

Clear Casting Tracker: (Adds an audio and visual que to notify the player when clear casting and aether attunement are simultaneously active to utilize in AoE scenarios)

:mage::sparkles: AHK MS:

100 - 200ms (or whatever your are comfortable at)

:mage::sparkles: Talents

There are different talent sets for each. I base mine off of WoWheads talent builds
You can find all the different talent builds here: Best Arcane Mage Talent Tree Builds - The War Within 11.0.5 - Wowhead

:mage::sparkles: Macro


If you like my macros and want to offer some support, you can do so here through Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/vinceorl


I know there might be some freezes in there or stops. Im trying to work those out, just need another set of eyes because I know im overlooking something.

I will definitely try this out. More so because I been reading all over the place that Arcane can not be put into a feasible macro. I will let you know.

It is definitely hard, and this is by no means a perfect macro at all. But hopefully someone can help improve it :smiley:

I will say that i absolutely love your frost macro and i have no doubt this will eventually become a banger as well…

Do you have to press Shift, Ctrl or Alt for AOE in the macro or how is the AOE triggered? I can’t quite check that

So far, and I have gear level 501, this macro has been powerful, rolling over low level mobs. So, yah kudos with this. It is performing nicely. BTW I am using your “delves and open world” macro for leveling purpose.

Uff Amazing Macro. Thanks :grinning: :fist_right: :fist_left:

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ngl this feels like the first ever good arcane macro, good job. Please keep this updated! :slight_smile: also got a link to send donations?

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Never really thought about it. Added to the OP with a kofi link!

Done! also Idk how hard it is to do, but it might be helpful if there is an AOE macro and single target so on pack pulls in dungeons, delves or the world our AOE can be very high and then have a single target one. but idk I mean it still works amazingly, its just like the only thing I could think of that could possibly make it a little better (better for AOE, I think single target is pretty much perfect)

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Hey there cool macro!! I do agree this needs a single target and a separate aoe macro as well, but keep up to good work

is the roation on macro correct? haivng some issues

Hey Vince, this is such an awesome macro! My dps is better with yours than anyone else’s on here.

(Personal Pref.) I feel it needs a small tweak to make it near-perfect:

  1. (Optional) — I added this to every block because I have a good amount of awareness and I don’t want to have to manually target the next mob unless I wish to do so (and a helpful slow fall on friendlies on-the-fly):
/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

-AND (only on the first block)-

/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nocombat,@mouseover,help,exists] Slow Fall
  • (Question for anyone) — Sometimes the DPS is not as high as it could be, a little too frequently — I have been told that I Arcane Barrage is my highest damage ability on the charts (I never use the modifier) and instead I should be using way more of Arcane Blast, and that is why my dps is so low at times.

  • (Forgive me, I literally just started playing a mage.) — When does one use Barrage/Blast/Missiles? Specifically what conditions would you use one over another? Thanks for any info, and thanks a million for this epic macro.


This looks really sick. Since I don’t have much experience as a mage, when should I press the alt modifier? I see that there is a arcance missle proc, but that also triggers if I don’t press alt

Edit: Played some more instances. Damn that is so sweet. Especially because arcane has so many skills that can be used while running. I see myself getting elite pvp set in solo shuffle with this :smiley:

Where did you put that? Above /Cast or below the last line in the respective block?

Presumably at the start of every macro block

Thanks a TON for this insight – I will “delve” :smiley: into the wowhead write-up as well, thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

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@vince-orlando Looks like the well-known “double-dip” of Burden of Power was removed. I’m wondering if/how the rotation needs to change?

Hotfixes: September 3, 2024


  • Sunfury
    • Burden of Power can no longer be double dipped by spell queueing.

@vince-orlando Just some continuation of helpful tweaks:


  1. (OPTIONAL, Smart, Auto-target) — I added this to every block because I have a good amount of awareness and I don’t want to have to manually target the next mob:

— (ONLY on the first block) —

/cleartarget [dead]

— (EVERY block after the 1st block) —

/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [harm, nodead]
  1. (HIGHLY-OPTIONAL, Prevent Auto-Pull) — Due to auto-targeting having the tendency to accidentally “auto-pull”, I have isolated most abilities within each block to be used in-combat only.

Starting with the modifier used in several blocks:

  • Changed this:
/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling] Arcane Barrage


/cast [mod:alt,combat,nochanneling] Arcane Barrage

And every offensive ability (NOT Evocation -or- Mirror Image):

  • Changed this:
/castsequence [nochanneling] Arcane ___


/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] Arcane ___
  1. If you like having the 1-button All-in-One “EZ-mode”:
    — YOU ARE FINISHED HERE. No further changes should be made. Keep everything AS-IS (with -or- without any of these tweaks).

  2. (OPTIONAL) — If you wish to have max-control of when Arcane Barrage is used; only EVER firing whenever [ALT] is held:

  • (4 a). Inside every single block, Paste this line:
/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling] Arcane Barrage


/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [harm, nodead]
/cast [mod:alt,combat,nochanneling] Arcane Barrage
/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] Arcane Missiles
  • (4 b). Replace every instance of:
/cast [nochanneling] Arcane Barrage


/cast [combat,nochanneling] Arcane Blast


/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [harm, nodead]
/cast [mod:alt,combat,nochanneling] Arcane Barrage
/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] Arcane Blast, Arcane Blast, Arcane Blast
/cast [combat,nochanneling] Arcane Blast

That’s it from me at this time. I hope the formatting I used made all this easier to read and follow along :smile: