Mistweaver 5.2

I think I got the rotation down for Mistweaver in 5.2 using the leading zero technique. I haven’t had a chance to test the tea parts of the macro as my monk isn’t high enough level but everything else works fine.

/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=0.3 1,2,3,4,5,6,Mana Tea

/castsequence reset=0.3 1,2,3,4,5,Thunder Focus Tea

/castsequence reset=0.3 1,2,3,4,Tiger Palm

/castsequence reset=0.3 1,2,3,Blackout Kick

/castsequence reset=0.3 1,2,Jab

/castsequence reset=0.3 1,Renewing Mist,Uplift

/cast Chi Wave


Ill jump on the PTR and test it for you, ill pass the info on here

Thanks. I haven’t touched my monk in a little while as I’ve been busy with my other toons

Okey i have bin testing, so far with no exp what so ever of munks.

The test is done on a level 90 dummy, with Legacy of the Emperor, no other buffs then from progs, and with 463 ilvl ( No ENC and No Gems)

And im running with this spec: http://www.noxxic.com/wow/pve/monk/mistweaver/talent-build-and-glyphs

OOM after around 20-25 sec.


DMG spells:

Chi Wave counted 12 times (25,6%)

Melee counted 17 times (23,6%)

Blackout Kick counted 3 times (17,5%)

Tiger Strike counted 10 times (14,4%)

Jab counted 13 times ( 10,%)

Tiger Palm counted 2 times (8,6%)

All in all = 777249 DMG with around 20-25k DPS


Healing Spells:

Renewing Mist counted 86 times 455432 healing done ( 46,6%)

Chi Wave counted 12 times 264020 ( 27%)

Eminence counted 33 times 135070 (13,8%)

Surging Mist counted 1 time 122666 ( 12,6%)

All in all 977188 healing done ( Its over healing done and its on my self)


Hope you can get something from this, els let me know and im Welling to test some more for you. I dont know anything about macros but i know how to hit them :slight_smile:


Cheers Jeff

Found i was out of mana way to fast. Modded my original and came up with this. Lasted a bit longer on mana but not by much.


/castsequence reset=target Jab,Tiger Palm,Jab,Renewing Mist,Jab,Chi Wave,Jab,Blackout Kick,Jab,Blackout Kick,Mana Tea,Expel Harm
/cast Thunder Focus Tea

DPS healing is a mana drain. Jab eats up way too much. This is where the Mana Tea’s are useful because they can give you a ton of mana back right away

[quote quote=6169]Okey i have bin testing, so far with no exp what so ever of munks.

The test is done on a level 90 dummy, with Legacy of the Emperor, no other buffs then from progs, and with 463 ilvl ( No ENC and No Gems)

And im running with this spec: http://www.noxxic.com/wow/pve/monk/mistweaver/talent-build-and-glyphs

OOM after around 20-25 sec.

DMG spells:

Chi Wave counted 12 times (25,6%)

Melee counted 17 times (23,6%)

Blackout Kick counted 3 times (17,5%)

Tiger Strike counted 10 times (14,4%)

Jab counted 13 times ( 10,%)

Tiger Palm counted 2 times (8,6%)

All in all = 777249 DMG with around 20-25k DPS

Healing Spells:

Renewing Mist counted 86 times 455432 healing done ( 46,6%)

Chi Wave counted 12 times 264020 ( 27%)

Eminence counted 33 times 135070 (13,8%)

Surging Mist counted 1 time 122666 ( 12,6%)

All in all 977188 healing done ( Its over healing done and its on my self)

Hope you can get something from this, els let me know and im Welling to test some more for you. I dont know anything about macros but i know how to hit them

Cheers Jeff

I found this macro to be pretty good. Chi wave is slightly delayed but over all i can maintain about 70k dps and decent heals with this.

/castsequence reset=5 Jab, Renewing Mist, Blackout Kick, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Mana Tea, Renewing Mist, Jab, Tiger Palm, Surging Mist, Expel Harm, Uplift, Jab, Blackout Kick, Chi Wave, Mana Tea
/use 13

Just a quick fix to yours.

/castsequence reset=5 Jab, Renewing Mist, Blackout Kick, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Mana Tea, Renewing Mist, Jab, Tiger Palm, Surging Mist, Expel Harm, Uplift, Jab, Blackout Kick, Chi Wave, Mana Tea
/use 13
/use 14

Later today I’ll make a bigger enprovement to it too. Renewing Mist should be more so in a cast sequence and maybe a removing Expel Harm too. I’ll work with it later

Ok I fixed it and improved on it. From the rotation I gather it supposed to look like this if you don’t macro it:

  1. Drop statue
  2. Jab>TP (5 times)
  3. Free Surging Mist (even if no one needs healing - don’t hold it. You need the chi)
  4. Jab>BoK
  5. Mana Tea
  6. Repeat

So I made something that does just that minus the statue drop as you can’t put that in a macro. This gives me Jab and TPx5, with a Jab + BoK for Serpents Zeal buff.

Surging Mist in there because no matter what the proc will happen after 5 Tiger Palms within 30 seconds. Use it no matter what as it’s free Chi.

Uplift is in the macro as well but honestly its my only part that I’m kind of iffy on. Now I could glyph it but the mana cost is very high. I didn’t see a lot of Uplift when I was using a different macro.

/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Mana Tea
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Renewing Mist
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Uplift
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Chi Wave
/castsequence reset=5 Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Surging Mist, Jab, Blackout Kick

Now I found this macro on the WoW forums and I do well with it but it does tend to lock up sometimes. It does good too though which uses the same rotation as mine but I removed Renewing Mist as the uptime wasn’t there.

/castsequence reset=5 Jab, Renewing Mist, Blackout Kick, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Mana Tea, Renewing Mist, Jab, Tiger Palm, Surging Mist, Expel Harm, Uplift, Jab, Blackout Kick, Chi Wave, Mana Tea

Changed the order a little bit:

/castsequence [@targettarget,help]reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Renewing Mist
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Mana Tea
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Uplift
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Chi Wave
/castsequence reset=5 Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Surging Mist, Jab, Blackout Kick

This macro is more for the “mistweaving” type.

/castsequence [@targettarget,help]reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Renewing Mist
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Mana Tea
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Uplift
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Chi Wave

The only thing you have to do is channel Soothing Mist on a player and let this macro run.

Here is an update to the Mistweaving one. I’m still working on this one. My issue that I have is getting Renewing Mist to cast on cooldown. It’s a small issue, but it is the number one heal for Monks. Let me know what you guys think or if you can figure out any improvements.

/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Renewing Mist
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.5 0,0,0,Uplift
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Chi Wave
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.5 0,Soothing Mist
/cast Mana Tea
/cast Thunder Focus Tea
/use 13
/use 14

Tested above worked, but got too much SM. So I changed it again.

/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Renewing Mist
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Uplift
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Chi Wave
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.5 0,Soothing Mist
/cast Mana Tea
/cast Thunder Focus Tea
/use 13
/use 14

This seems to work perfectly. Puts our RM when its off CD and uses Uplift as much as possible. I’m not a fan of Chi Wave in it though and it’s something I might take out.

Hello there, thanks for this awesome site !

Moonsorow, i’ve got a problem with you’r maccro

/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Mana Tea
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Renewing Mist
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Uplift
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Chi Wave
/castsequence reset=5 Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Surging Mist, Jab, Blackout Kick

Problem is : you can’t be 100% at melee range while Fistweaving, so when you got a’n ecounter with alot of move/switch, the maccro tend to spam uplift, but if you have 2 chi and are after a Jab, it will use Uplift and you don’t have enough Chi to use Tiger Palm :x

And sometime i don’t know why, my toons try to cast Surging Mist, i’ve got 100% instant Surging Mist on the Dummy but in raid i’ve got to sometime stop moving to cast a surging mist and don’t know why !

( Sorry for my bad English, i’m French :stuck_out_tongue: )

Yea I’m working on some of the bugs with it. The one with Surging Mist is a Blizzard bug that was supposed to be fixed in 5.2 and it wasn’t.

I’ll work on the one with more Tiger Palms and such. I mostly don’t Fistweave unless needed like on Dirmuu or something.

Also for FW, use the other macro that I provided. I posted both since mine was still a bit buggy.

[quote quote=6607]Hello there, thanks for this awesome site !

Moonsorow, i’ve got a problem with you’r maccro

/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Mana Tea<br>
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Renewing Mist<br>
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Uplift<br>
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Chi Wave<br>
/castsequence reset=5 Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Surging Mist, Jab, Blackout Kick

Problem is : you can’t be 100% at melee range while Fistweaving, so when you got a’n ecounter with alot of move/switch, the maccro tend to spam uplift, but if you have 2 chi and are after a Jab, it will use Uplift and you don’t have enough Chi to use Tiger Palm :x

And sometime i don’t know why, my toons try to cast Surging Mist, i’ve got 100% instant Surging Mist on the Dummy but in raid i’ve got to sometime stop moving to cast a surging mist and don’t know why !

( Sorry for my bad English, i’m French :P )

Something I’m playing around is getting rid of Mana Tea in the macro. According to many guides it says to use Mana Tea at 2+ stacks and under 85% mana. I don’t think you can do that with a macro, if someone wants to try please do.

just saying for every 5 tiger palms yall cast u will get a free(instant + no mana cost) surging mist… that said if u glyph it will go to the lowest health person in raid and will give u 1 chi… name of this buff is vital mist