MM BfA 8.1.5 - ST and AOE with Theorycrafting [UPDATED: 05/03/2019]

I know you’re using lone wolf in this setup and in legion, I tended that way. I have found a use for even a need for a tank to slow down damage taken in BFA so I have started using a tenacity pet in most solo situations don’t have to heal quite so much. Anyway just curious where to add a pet attack into this sequence as this is my first go around with GSE so not 100% sure where to best add the pet in.

you want to use a Stag or a Bat depending on what family of pet you need.

I put that in my second post. your better off using a pet, the DPS is the same and you get a dispell that is in the macro

I heard (I think on wowhead) that a crane was recommended as a tanking pet. Can I just add the cranes special ability in where the other pet specials are in MM_ST_2.0

Crain and stag do the same thing, and give you the same buffs. I just added the stag because I couldn’t stand the crain noises.

I made a BM macro also, I couldn’t find one to pop ability efficiently enough.

I see that the talents on both of the ST and AOE are different. which is correct? or does it matter? thanks for the macros

The macro will work regardless of which talent you choose in row 60.
Personally, for long single target fight like in a raid, I would take Hunter’s mark.
For Multi-target fights like M+ content, I would go with Streamline.

Shouldn’t the first ability cast on the AOE rotation be multi shot to trigger Trick Shots? im finding it’ll use other shots, even with enough focus to cast multi shot and then you are losing the dmg without Trick Shots being up.

Also noticed this last night,macro itself works well. Unfortunately have no idea how to change this myself!
Great job though op

You mind linking the BM macro you mentioned


Talents 3122211

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.12.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro:

KeyPress: Misdirection

Main Sequence: Multi-Shot, Aimed Shot, Rapid Fire, Steady Shot

rewrote the AOE macro with a combat reset.

Not at all! First off, you need to have in mind that Aimed Shot procs Precise Shots, which cause your next Multi-Shot to deal 100% more damage, so think about it in the way that Aimed Shot benefits Multi-Shot with Precise Shots and Multi-Shot benefits Aimed Shot with Trick Shots.
The theorycraft says the following: “You should always have your Trick Shots buff active before casting Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire, by casting Multi-Shot whenever there are 3 or more targets active.”, so consider that the only moment that it (sometimes) doesn’t happen is when you just fire the macro for the first time, with no noticeable bad results.

[quote quote=66049]AOE_MM Talents 3122211
This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.12.
Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority Pre Macro: KeyPress: Misdirection Main Sequence: Multi-Shot
[/quote] Hey, thanks for this. After some testings I saw that your version is better than the original one I posted on the topic opening, so I decided to copy and use it (and improve some spell IDs) as main AOE macro (credits given) on the first page, if you don't mind, of course.

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! Single Target (12%+ increased dps) and AOE (10%+ increased dps) macros updated in first page. Take a look on changelog, try it out and let us know what you think.

Sup, do you have a macro based on Steady Focus (3121212) and 2 Steady Aim Azerite powers? Or this macro will work fine for it?

Nope, I don’t have one for it, not even tried yet. I’m pretty sure this one doesn’t fit on that talent configuration or at least it’s not going to be optimized for, because you have to make sure that Steady Shot will be cast twice enough to keep the Steady Focus buff up, which isn’t so easy to accomplish via macro sequences. I haven’t tested it, btw, so dunno.

Nicely done on both macros between yourself and Leewin you have actually raised my dps on st and aoe outside of a Dungeon by at least 20% will try a dungeon on mm soon thanks to both of you

I gotta wonder if something is wrong, I went ahead and decided to try MM on my alt hunter hes 363. I use Logitech gaming macros and running at 100ms as suggested. But the AoE rotation does less than on the 4 target dummies than ST does on the 1?

Well, there should be something wrong. My tests are in the 4 closed dummies in Boralus and it does more dmg than the ST one there.

Hmmmmm not sure what is going on, but after the first Aimed Shot, it fires Aimed Shot and then autoattack. If I take AMOC out and put it in Premacro, AMOC goes off a one Aimed Shot. Not sure what is going on. I am going to uninstall GSE2 and re-install and se if that fixes it.