MM WoD 6.0.2 macro

would like to see a new MM macro not bar swapping macros if 573 n cant pull more then 9k with beefs SV macro

I’m pretty sure there will be one in the next week or so.

Yea I’m hearing that MM is going to be the higher dps of the 3 specs so was waiting on this macro myself. Not very good at waiting so have been screwing with Beef’s SV and BM’s trying to make a MM. Also was reading and seeing some Tube vids that Barrage is better than Glaive Toss so had to figure a way to get it in the mix
(that while trying to learn KayrMacro as the only working macro extender working at the moment). So here is what I came up with.

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence [mod]Barrage
/castsequence reset=5 !Chimaera Shot,Aimed Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot
/use [combat]Rapid Fire
/cast Stampede

This seems to be firing everything off and lining up well with Barrage after every 2nd Aimed Shot, Steady Shot’s. Let me know if its missing anything. Im sending this to Beef to tweek and definitely give him all the cred for it.

That one seems to work fine, except if I put a mod on Barrage it fires and nothing else does, if no mod on Barrage, everything else fires and it doesn’t, any ideas?

/targetenemy [noharm][dead] /petattack /castsequence [mod]Barrage /castsequence reset=5 !Chimaera Shot,Aimed Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot /use [combat]Rapid Fire /cast Stampede

I changed to /catsequence [nomod]Barrage and its work fine for me!
I also changed /use [combat]Rapid Fire
/cast Stampede simply to:
/use Rapid Fire
/use Stampede

Barrage is a channeling affect so nothing else can be firing while it is going off. So when the 2nd set of steady shots go off and your CHimbera shot is still on cooldown just hold down your shift key and Barrage will go off. [quote quote=16539]That one seems to work fine, except if I put a mod on Barrage it fires and nothing else does, if no mod on Barrage, everything else fires and it doesn’t, any ideas?[/quote]

I use a razor naga and have the key to autopress. so if the [combat]Rapid Fire isnt in my macro it would fire it off everytime off cooldown whether in a fight or in the hallway. Same reason the Barrage is with a mod. It seems your way that the barrage channeling would get cut off by your next button push that was a cast.