
Just wondering where in a macro would be the best place to have mod actions? Or does it not matter where they are placed. Thanks

So technically, it doesn’t matter where they are placed HOWEVER there may be performance issues depending on where they are placed.

From what i understand GSE client takes 3 actions per keypress.

Main Body

If you put a mod into the main body of the macro then it will only activate when that specific line of the macro is reached. This could potentially delay the action taking place until it’s presented to the wow client.

If it’s added into the Keypress option and depending on the conditionals set here, it will attempt to use the mod on every keypress before it uses the body of the macro so will result in the mod line being more responsive.

Keypress should normally only have abilities that are off the GCD as it will invoke GCD and means you can’t use anything in the rotation/body of the macro until it’s off GCD again.

KeyPress + Line 1 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 2 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 3 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 2 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 3 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 4 + KeyRelease

So really, it’s up to you where you want to put it.