True, the pooling is very important. Blu put out a new youtube video today, where he also goes over the talents again now and I must say I picked up a lot on why he takes what he takes. Works well. Would recommend. But as you say, converting what is the best talents into a viable macro, is just not that easy at the moment.
How come you use Primal Wrath over Rip in single target rotation and also no Brutal Slash seems strange as well since it does more dmg per energy spent or am I missing something?
The concern is with the “Circle of Life and Death” talent. When Primal Wrath is utilized, Rip is shortened and further reduced by taking the “Circle of Life and Death” talent. Brutal Slash is better suited for multiple enemies rather than single-target situations. Rip typically deals more damage when it is applied with five combo points, but Primal Wrath cuts the duration of Rip by half, and “Circle of Life and Death” reduces it by an additional 20%.
Main damaging ability in single target is Ferocious Bite and having a longer duration Rip gives more room for biting. Using Primal Wrath in single target is a damage loss and looking at some higher rank ferals they never use it for single target encounters, same for raidbots. You want to have as high uptime on Rake and Rip as possible but at the same time use all energy for biting.
Brutal Slash is used in both single target and AoE scenarios by raidbots so it can’t be that bad even in single target.
I like the macro but I’m making changes for my own use.
For AoE I use Priority List 1 12 123 1234
Block 1.1
/castsequence [nochanneling] Thrash, Brutal Slash, Rake, Primal Wrath
Block 1.2
/cast [nochanneling] Primal Wrath
Still working on the single target version.
Game is saying your talent build is out of date. FYI.
Go to WoWHead…Its the first talent they suggest.
Its saying out of date because Blizzard makes daily changes, its a terrible system.
Talent builds on wowhead are only a suggestion to get you started but what you like to play might be different from that. Many talents are close in dmg so it’s down to personal preference. The macro still works if your talents are slightly different.
Agreed but they line up with what Icy Veins also does and other sites like so they are mostly accurate.
The issue with Kitty right now is single target damage, its not there and has issues with burning energy.
Moon try this site.
@Moonsorow yo man I’ve had quite a lot of success trying other people’s macros and tweaking them slightly to what suits me mainly @arnold-newton one was amazing for me for some reason they’ve all been wiped off and deleted I was wondering you had one even if only half complete you could share with me so I could have a mess around with it just try some something new see if I can get one going that works for me again cheers
Let me look at my repo and see and I’ll post it for you.
Cheers bro much appreciated
GauPanda’s update has worked well for me recently. I am a new lvl70, so have not tried Mythic+ or Raiding yet.
are you using his gse macros for this talent build?