Moon's Combat Rogue - Shoot The Cannons!

no matter what I do when importing I still have this line - /castsequence [stance:0] Slice and Dice, Between the Eyes, Blade Rush

Hi @Fourthkind

The SND, BTE, and BR are correct, this way you don’t go into lower energy when you’re doing Shadow Dance.

As for the lockup, when it does lock up is your SND already active in your buff area? If so, then it might be because the macro is firing off too quickly based on your lag. I have no latency because I’m literally a few miles away from the main data center in Irvine. What is your typical world MS, you might need to slow down the macro a tad, maybe instead of 100 ms try maybe 250 ms and see what kind of results you get.

As for me, I haven’t seen any issues with locking up with the current one, but I’ll look deeper into the issue after work today.

Hey guys, first post.

First off thanks @Moonsorow and GauPanda for all your work love your guys macros. everyone else too of course.

I had minor issues with this macro sometimes but then again probably not the macro just my setup using AHK and such whether it was locking up or just being weird with me sometimes getting low numbers after combat reset or not stealth first.

Anyway i seem to have it really perfect on my side with small changes and dividing the castseq.

Currently ilvl 365 but with the test dummies, multi i was getting like 50k+, and ST i was pushing constant 17k+ or more depending on what used.

Can anyone try it and see what it does for them? it was super smooth for me using AHK @180ms.

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Just tested it, while it did not lock up at 100 ms, I only got about 12k DPS at 340 item level using Sword (MH) and Dagger (OH).

I do like what you did, so its an update but I think the issue is that its not using all the CP for Dispatch. I saw full Dispatches at 25k and non full CPs at 7-8k.

Try this one.


Tiny change of rotation of improvement for me better overall Dispatch. CP/Energy class is complicated to get down as you’ve said before i think.

But i’m having fun with it/this macro thx for the feedback.

I use atm [MH] Axe, [OH] Mace, not that i want to but lol my gear is meh.

Nice stuff friend, gave it a spin and had a steady 50k DPS on the AOE dummies at ilvl 346 with Axe (MH) and dagger (OH). ran at 220ms

You’ll want to get a slow MH and a fast OH, this way your Instant Poison procs more. You’ll see a vast DPS spike once you do this, and you’ll surely be on top of the meters.

Generally, it’s a good macro and gets the job done, of course, their improvements but it does what you need. Slight tweaks here and there are a good thing.

@Moonsorow Thanks for the macro. Works great! I have been using this since level 60, and I am currently level 65; however, it seems that after 10.0.5, I can no longer import the talents. I was wondering if you could post a picture so that I know what talents you have.

with 10.0.5 talents have changed for several classes, you can off of what’s advised on wowhead or wait until the creator has time to update all their macro’s :wink:

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Just did a run and it locked up 5 times during that run. Have the log to Moon if its needed to look in to this more.

Other addons are not playing nice with GSE. I found MobInfo2 to be the main culprit for me.

There were a lot of updates in 10.0.5 more than expected initially with testing. So I’ll have to go back through the macro and see what works and what doesn’t work. I’ll try to get to it this weekend, but I’ve been swamped with work, so I haven’t had a chance.


we need a new m+ macro

So make one. The creators of these macros know they need updated and are probably in the process of updating other macros. They will get to this one when they can. This latest update on WoW messed up a lot of macros. Just chill and they will get fixed. Have a great day.


Going, to be frank with you. Not going to happen at the moment, sorry but I have other macros to work on first, and on top of that, I’m swamped with work at the moment. I don’t live in my mother’s basement, I have a job with a family, so you’ll need to be patient young padawan.

My Lock one took a lot longer to develop, but I did promise people I would get it out as soon as I could and it would work well. Just need to wait.


LOL Moon, I just found a mistake in yours and my macro!

We have Audacity talented… (Use ambush without stealth) huge DPS loss there.

And since in the macro itself it shows “[stance 1 2 3] Ambush” Just make it /cast Ambush

Edit: and i mean HUGE DPS loss… holy…


Good catch, on my 68 Rogue it made for a 45% DPS increase on the dungeoneer’s training dummy.

Please update the Talent tree (:

Yikes good catch man. Somethings you overlook things :slight_smile:


@z3r0x2 and @Moonsorow, I have to say I usually make my own macro’s for all my toons to suit and fit my playstyle. But after testing on my combat rogue at ilevel 369 I have to say I don’t think I need to change anything. This macro is a beast and puts out a nice 38k burst and levels out at 24k after a 5minute test on a raiding dummy. Great work on this macro.

“Do you see me now?” hmm, no response as you lie on the floor in front of me.