Multi cast bar macro tutorial.

Ingrid it can be done in ElvUI but I suggest disabling ElvUI action bars and using Bartender. The reason being ElvUI only has 6 bars total and Bartender has 10 total. In ElvUI, if you use 3 for bar swapping macros that only leaves you 3 for other stuff. With Bartender you will have 7 bars left.

Not only that, ElvUI makes it difficult to hide the macro bars that arent supposed to be seen. Its easy with bartender.

I use ElvUI and I just went through this whole process. If you have to learn how to “swapactionbars”, learn using Bartender. Its much easier, even a cave man can do it :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Okeebc !

Tyvm for your reply. :slight_smile:

Good to know about Bartender and swapactionbars. I didn’t know I could use Bartender with ElvUI.

I will do so as you suggested.

Again, thank you very much for answering on this subject.