MW Monk Fistweaving (5.3 Working)

With this and my gear (~485 ~10k Spirit) - I never run low on mana and consistently do 50-75k DPS sustained (depending on crits, length of fight & level).

/castsequence reset=14 Jab, Expel Harm, Blackout Kick, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Mana Tea, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Surging Mist, Chi Wave, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Mana Tea

Hi, I’m replying cuz I am having trouble Fistweaving.

I have used Various Macros and even Tried using the skills seperatly, But with my Current Gear, I pull at most 40-48k DPS.

With your macro itself, I only pull a constant 38k, and I am supposedly just above your ilvl.

Whats going on?

I think it might be what you are hitting… my 50-75k is based off of lower level mobs because IMO I don’t fistweave on raids. It isn’t “good” enough.

Attempt an older raid like ICC or lower? Though if running heroics (LFD) its more than enough to come close to the top of the meters in the 50-75k range.

My haste is a bit higher, crit is about the same (though higher in my PVE gear I believe)… and my weapon is better, so that might be all factors in the difference.

Here’s my armory (though atm it is geared for PVP and so stats are skewed…).

Sounds good but where is Renewing Mist? I have a feeling that with the Blackout Kick in there you will run out of Chi on some longer fights.

My suggestion would be to create two macros for FW, one for Single Target (boss) and another for trash. Blackout Kick works better with trash, as Tiger Palm does better on a single target. Tiger Palm though has to be used right away after Jab to get back the mana though.

[quote quote=7218]With this and my gear (~485 ~10k Spirit) – I never run low on mana and consistently do 50-75k DPS sustained (depending on crits, length of fight & level).

/castsequence reset=14 Jab, Expel Harm, Blackout Kick, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Mana Tea, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Surging Mist, Chi Wave, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Mana Tea

Ive had good results with this one:

/castsequence [mod]Blackout Kick;reset=0.3 0.0.0,0,null
/castsequence reset=0.3 0.0,0,Expel Harm
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Chi Wave
/castsequence reset=1 0,Jab,tiger palm
/cast Mana Tea

I use RM and Uplift manually.
modkey to use blackout kick as desired.

Rdit: Works with Power Strikes talent.