MW PvE 7.3.5 - Dungeon, Mythic and Raid GSE Macros

Hello,anyone can make a macro just with effuse and renewing mist? that is spammable?
It should spam effuse and cast renwing mist when its off cooldown
I have successfully wrote a macro but i think it gets stuck because its casting sooting mist after each effuse…i think i need a new string…would be apreciated.thx:)

/castsequence [nochanneling,@mouseover,help,nodead] renewing mist
/castsequence [nochanneling,@mouseover,help] effuse, effuse, effuse, effuse, effuse, effuse, effuse, effuse
/stopcasting [channeling:sooting mist]

this is what i wrote…correct me if i am wrong in anyway:)

ah,it works,i just wrote soothing mist wrong:))

/castsequence [nochanneling,@mouseover,help,nodead] renewing mist
/castsequence [nochanneling,@mouseover,help] effuse
/stopcasting [channeling:soothing mist]

is the correct one:)

@chrootz - there are several macros throughout this thread. Which one is the latest version that should be used?

Thank you!


This current We raiding Mythic ABT which it is much harder and lot of moving around to avoid get dmg incoming.

Here Im using the macro with Velens Trinket and Doorway Cloak Leggo. Heavy Crit/Versatility stats geared

Sequences['MWheal'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.08.
  Talents = "1131222",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/stopmacro [channeling:Chi Burst]",
        "/stopmacro [channeling:Essence Font]",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Fortifying Brew",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Diffuse Magic",
        "/use [nochanneling] Repurposed Fel Focuser",
        "/cast Chi Burst",
        "/cast Thunder Focus Tea",
        "/cast [nochanneling] [@mouseover,help,nodead]@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Essence Font",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Vivify",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Renewing Mist",

Effuse spam when you are low Mana and rack up the Sheil’un Gift stack (Big bomb heal)

Sequences['MWEffuseHeal'] = {
  Talents = "1131222",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [combat] Chi Burst",
        "/castsequence [@mouseover,exists,help,nodead][@target] Renewing Mist, Effuse",
        "/cast [@mouseover,exists,help,nodead][@target] Effuse",
        "/cast [combat] Renewing Mist",

Sheil’un Gift bomb Macro

/cast [target=mouseover,exists] [target=target,exists] [target=player] Sheilun's Gift

Velens trinket Macro boost bigger heals from Revival and Essence Font at maxmium soak AoE heals

/use 13
/castsequence Revival, Essence Font

@ionescu adrian

I have not start work on BFA macro using soothing mist or new spells. I would post BFA macro whenever
they open and I tend avoided play any Beta till it become offically Live then i make a macro for MW.

In bfa,you need to have sooting mist active for insra heals so yes,my macro wont work anymore

@chrootz thank you for posting the latest macros! I appreciate it!

@chrootz would it be possible for you post a quick little guide on how you heal with this macro? Do you target anyone that is taking damage or do you focus on the tank?



All I was stand where the place that I don’t get any damage incoming and I spam Vivify to topping everyone’s HP. Whenever my mana gets low and I use Effuse (MWEffuseHeal macro) to rack up the Sheilun’s Gift reaches like 8-12 whenever you need it so bad use it Sheilun’s Gift Bomb macro on lowest HP.

You also can use MWEffuseHeal macro full time if everyone is not very low HP as reasonable mana efficient to order saving mana for bigger damage incoming and use main macro that eat your mana lot quickly. MWEffuseHeal + Sheilun’s Gift bomb (usually 3-4 stacked then execute bomb).

For Revival macro, Whenever big damage incoming and everyone HP goes drop low and run Revival macro which it comes with Velens Trinket activate and big heal soak everyone will hit topping their HP instantly.

The addons i have Healbot addon that what im using it.

Stats Weight: Try to get stacked Crit/Versatility gears, Screw haste or Mastery those useless for Monk MW, I learned hard way from famous Dhaubbs and I personally thank him made my Monk MW godly in heals.

[quote quote=60240]@devo
All I was stand where the place that I don’t get any damage incoming and I spam Vivify to topping everyone’s HP. Whenever my mana gets low and I use Effuse (MWEffuseHeal macro) to rack up the Sheilun’s Gift reaches like 8-12 whenever you need it so bad use it Sheilun’s Gift Bomb macro on lowest HP.
You also can use MWEffuseHeal macro full time if everyone is not very low HP as reasonable mana efficient to order saving mana for bigger damage incoming and use main macro that eat your mana lot quickly. MWEffuseHeal + Sheilun’s Gift bomb (usually 3-4 stacked then execute bomb).
For Revival macro, Whenever big damage incoming and everyone HP goes drop low and run Revival macro which it comes with Velens Trinket activate and big heal soak everyone will hit topping their HP instantly.
The addons i have Healbot addon that what im using it.
Stats Weight: Try to get stacked Crit/Versatility gears, Screw haste or Mastery those useless for Monk MW, I learned hard way from famous Dhaubbs and I personally thank him made my Monk MW godly in heals.[/quote]

Awesome, thank you very much.

[quote quote=60240]@devo
All I was stand where the place that I don’t get any damage incoming and I spam Vivify to topping everyone’s HP. Whenever my mana gets low and I use Effuse (MWEffuseHeal macro) to rack up the Sheilun’s Gift reaches like 8-12 whenever you need it so bad use it Sheilun’s Gift Bomb macro on lowest HP.
You also can use MWEffuseHeal macro full time if everyone is not very low HP as reasonable mana efficient to order saving mana for bigger damage incoming and use main macro that eat your mana lot quickly. MWEffuseHeal + Sheilun’s Gift bomb (usually 3-4 stacked then execute bomb).
For Revival macro, Whenever big damage incoming and everyone HP goes drop low and run Revival macro which it comes with Velens Trinket activate and big heal soak everyone will hit topping their HP instantly.
The addons i have Healbot addon that what im using it.
Stats Weight: Try to get stacked Crit/Versatility gears, Screw haste or Mastery those useless for Monk MW, I learned hard way from famous Dhaubbs and I personally thank him made my Monk MW godly in heals.[/quote]

[quote quote=60240]@devo
All I was stand where the place that I don’t get any damage incoming and I spam Vivify to topping everyone’s HP. Whenever my mana gets low and I use Effuse (MWEffuseHeal macro) to rack up the Sheilun’s Gift reaches like 8-12 whenever you need it so bad use it Sheilun’s Gift Bomb macro on lowest HP.
You also can use MWEffuseHeal macro full time if everyone is not very low HP as reasonable mana efficient to order saving mana for bigger damage incoming and use main macro that eat your mana lot quickly. MWEffuseHeal + Sheilun’s Gift bomb (usually 3-4 stacked then execute bomb).
For Revival macro, Whenever big damage incoming and everyone HP goes drop low and run Revival macro which it comes with Velens Trinket activate and big heal soak everyone will hit topping their HP instantly.
The addons i have Healbot addon that what im using it.
Stats Weight: Try to get stacked Crit/Versatility gears, Screw haste or Mastery those useless for Monk MW, I learned hard way from famous Dhaubbs and I personally thank him made my Monk MW godly in heals.[/quote]