MW PVE and PVP GS1 Macros

Awesome, I am going test with your new script and will post the result from warcraftlog.


Result: /reports/K4rZt2YhyakwjF1p

Talent: 2113122 as matching your script
Gear: 943ilvl - Have 4 piece bonus of Chi-Ji from Antorus with Legendary Velen trinket and Lunar boot.

OMG!!! NICE mana regen improved, Except Zen Pulse doesn’t much go off and ReM (Renewing Mist) also not much go off either. You can see my warcraftlog and I had to manually firing the ReM occasion.

@ John Q

Great thanks!

Great Macro, is this only for fistweaving? is there a combo or macro i could use if i didn’t want to fistweave?

@chrootz I have updated the macro yet again to include Chi Burst and Chi Wave. I have also seen to it that RM fires off more in the new version. However, my computer is down as I type this on my phone, so stay tuned for it later this week.

@Kaldus Glad you like the macro! However, there is no fistweaving in the code; that part (two additional and separate macros) are for PVP (but still can be used for PVE, as when you are doing quests).

Hi John Q,

Okay, I am waiting for my raiding locked to be reset tomorrow and i will record warcraftlog and see how much often cast spells and compare recent run.

I am wondering, Do the Chi Burst ability targeted as using focus on tank or do i have find a spot and shoot the Chi Burst to hit everyone? I am getting sick of those raiders stand scatter all over which is whoever is out of range don’t get hit by my Chi Burst. grrrr

@John Q,

Alrighty, got recorded and feed into warcraftlog for full run LFR Antorus, and you want to check it out. Like I said that I noticed Renewing Mist didn’t go off that much. You can see on warcraftlog says so.

Toon: Nasonadra Belf MW Monk - 943ilvl geared

Part 1: Kin’garoth, Varimathras and Coven of Shivarra
Part 2: Felhounds of Sargeras, Antoran High Command and Defense of Eonar
Part 3: Portal Keeper Hasabel, and Imonar the Soulhunter

From my previous post:

[quote quote=56828]@chrootz However, my computer is down as I type this on my phone, so stay tuned for it later this week.

My computer part has not yet arrived, so I haven’t updated anything yet. I will make the macro a priority once the part arrives. ???

However, I do thank you for logging your heals; would you be willing to do so once I am able to update the macro?

@John Q,

No problem, I understood but just letting you know that’s all and ABSOLUTELY I willing to do anything with your new script macro!! :thumbup: :smiley:

Thank you, chrootz,

I finally got my new power cord 15 minutes ago, and as promised, here is the update: I have not tested it yet


A.) Re-added option to spec Chi Wave and Chi Burst back into the macro
B.) Took the limitation that currently does not allow the macro to cast RM onto the same target (without first having to switch targets first); you can now cast RMs onto the same target that you’ve been healing all along.

However, RM is still a low-yeild heal, and therefore, is still prioritized that way; there will be other spells that are cast first in the macro sequence…even when RM is off cooldown.

Sequences['MWST'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "?,?,?,?,?,?,?",
  Help = [[Talents: 2123113]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/stopmacro [channeling:Chi Burst]",
        "/stopmacro [channeling:Essence Font]",
        "/castsequence [mod:ctrl, @player] Summon Jade Serpent Statue",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl] Invoke Chi-ji, the Red Crane",
        "/cast Thunder Focus Tea",
        "/castsequence [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Enveloping Mist, Renewing Mist",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Chi Wave",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Zen Pulse",
        "/cast [nochanneling] [@mouseover,help,nodead]@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Essence Font",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Sheilun's Gift",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Vivify",
    [2] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/stopmacro [channeling:Chi Burst]",
        "/stopmacro [channeling:Essence Font]",
        "/castsequence [mod:ctrl, @player] Summon Jade Serpent Statue",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl] Invoke Chi-ji, the Red Crane",
        "/cast Thunder Focus Tea",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Enveloping Mist",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Chi Wave",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Zen Pulse",
        "/cast [nochanneling] [@mouseover,help,nodead]@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Essence Font",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Sheilun's Gift",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Vivify",
        "/castsequence [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] reset=8  Renewing Mist",

@John Q,

I determined tweak your script (#56784 that you posted), Managed pumping my heal output meter 1.2-.1.4M and unfortunately no logs but actually I did logged while fight normal raid in Antorus somehow my computer crashed and lost the Log corrupted. OH DAMMIT!

Here what i did tweak the script that made my heals output parked at 1M+ FINALLY!!!

I have Chi-Ji 4th bonus gear and learned from some best MW monk player (How I reach those best player by the Warcraftlogs rank) and they suggested me use Effuse spam + Sheilun’s Gift spam.

You can see below script that actual successful parked at 1M+ heals meter really blow me up unbelievably worked compare to your recent script (#56784) that put me ups and downs from 600k-900k hps meter.

All we need adjust this script to make a proper fluid and smooth since it wont let me execute Vivify due to Effuse no GCD. That’s why it never reach end of script loop. I occasionally execute the Vivify, Enveloping Mist manually and I used EM on tanks only or emergency Oh Sh*t spam on raiders. I manually Sheilun’s Gift macro trigger whenever it reaches 4-6 stacked.

BTW, I will test the newest script you posted recent. I’ll test and logging by warcraftlogs to see how improve or not improve. I will keep you post soon as i test it.

Remember I am sole purpose raiding focused healing however I still using your original MWST and PVP script for regularly PVP fights. Forgive my English grammars sucks (Not my primary language). :smiley:

Sequences['MWST-new'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "1,1,3,3,1,2,2",
  Help = [[Talents: 1133122, Credited and Thank to Mystruach@Shu'Halo]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/stopmacro [channeling:Chi Burst]",
        "/stopmacro [channeling:Essence Font]",
        "/castsequence [mod:alt, @player] Transcendence",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl] Invoke Chi-ji, the Red Crane",
        "/cast Thunder Focus Tea",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Renewing Mist",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Chi Burst",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Renewing Mist",
        "/cast [nochanneling] [@mouseover,help,nodead]@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Essence Font",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Effuse",
        "/use [@boss1target, help][@focus,help,nodead][] 14",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Renewing Mist",
        "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@player] Vivify",

Sheilun’s Gift macro assigned to my healbot using Logitech mouse 4th button

/cast [target=mouseover,exists] [target=target,exists] [target=player] Sheilun's Gift

Hey man John Q,

I discovered something that we should check it out, When one of my guildmate who run his Holy Pally
with Legendary Velen trinket seems has bugged as hell cause his heals meter poorly with his 960ilvl gear and he decide try different trinket to replace the Velen trinket. His heals meter went skyrocket crazy high.

He alerted me about the Velen trinket and asked me to try on my Monk MW to remove Velen and switch different trinket ( i had 950ilvl and 945ilvl trinkets from Antorus ). Our guild raided last night and turn it out confirmed my heals went skyrocketed. used be 400-900k stuck forever hardly break 1M hps meter till I switched the trinkets. I am able pumped 1.2-1.5M hps meter!!!

Look like the BIS Velen trinket bugged or nerfed by Blizzard??? Just FYI and thank to my guildmate pay attention and caught it.

@chrootz - how do you use this macro in a raid environment? Do you just mouseover raid members while spamming this macro? I only ask as i’m having some nasty mana issues @iL935 (also i’m new to Mistweaver). I know its normal to channel Soothing Mist during downtimes but even then this macro seems to make me OOM with the boss at 35% health remaining.

While I wrote this macro primarily for PVP, you can easily LFR it. I do recommend you talenting Jade Statue for PVE; to include M+s.

Like any other healing macro; holding down your spam button will make you go OOM; this macro is no different. But by tunneling your heals at tanks and other healers, it will go a long way in preserving your mana. Moreover, the Vivs that you cast will “splash” heals onto other raid members, so that helps you with mana economy.

Let it be known that I cannot stand PVE; either raids or M+s; I will not be altering the macro to accommodate it. Unless Blizz drops the nerf hammer or buffs something bigly (they have been known to do it before), I really do not forsee me making any changes.

But you can: just replace ‘Vivify’ with ‘Effuse’ in the #1 tab (that is the macro’s PVE tab).

As far as PVP goes and given the recent buff to MWs RSK damage (especially for Undeads’ TotG, which stacks with ALL monk damage), WotC is still the way to go in PVP…and I love my big, gnarly chik’un in teamfights. >:)

So, if you are rolling a Forsaken Monk, that would look like:

RSK = 70% increased damage

  • TotG = 25% increased damage

= 95% increased damage during WotC

If using my current 7.3.5 gear on my NE MW (not even Undead!) and I cast 2 RSKs in WotC’s 15 second window:
RSK #1 = 1.1m damage

  • RSK #2 = 1.1m damage

Subtotal = 2.2m damage
x 175 percent WoTC healing buff

Subtotal = ~6m healing
x 3 for WotC’s healing on myself and two other team mates

= 18.1m+ in healing…

…in 15 seconds for every 45 seconds…

…and by doing nothing else! :smiley:

That WotC also doubles as a 45 second CD freedom trinket (except for polys, MCs, and sleeps) makes it extra groovy. Silences are laughable during WotC.

Now, to get my Undead MW leveled to address the above-stated CCs by having WotF…

p.s. Have you ever made rogues run away from you in PVP? One-on-one with this macro, it happens to me more often than not. :wink:

Actually, I do think I will update the macro to cast more EMs and less RNs (to take better advantage of the 30% HOT buff). Should be out next week sometime after I had a chance to test it.

@SACafun - Yes Very Occasionally end up OOM mana however other healer like priest, pally and druid end up OOM much quicker than my Monk MW and However I got mana regen trinket 950ilvl helped a bit. What more my guild GMs are kinda of picky on tank, dps and healer as they required all dps ability sustain minimium 1M+ damage output and same goes to healers must keep 1M+ hps meter for the Heroic Antorus raid. That’s why i created a script with a tweak on John Q’s script sole purpose for raiding use.

Again, my script is not perfect 100% as water fluid execute the spells cast yet, I still am adjust and maximize hps output as possible but longer to finally be OOM mana compare to others.

@John Q, fair enough, I still stubborn favor use your script and I try tweak and adjust for raiding purpose healing role. I am looking forward see your new update script to take better advantage of the 30% HOT buff and maybe it will improve my healing arsenal power muscle punch to keep topping everyone’s HP in Heroic Antorus. BTW currently, I just started to using the Jade Statue yesterday over the invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane for heroic antorus. I still keep recording the combatlogs to comparing before and after and 2 different talent builds to find best choice.

Keep ROCKING MW!!! What you mentioned about undead monk takes a advantage WotC and TotG and I am considering use boost on my alt toon undead monk mistweaver spec’d. xD

Chroots could you pls pm me the tweaked rotation youre been using? Im interested only in pve and would like to perform as good as I could with it. Thanks in advance

how about we show it here :slight_smile:

@dusansos1 && @richard-

I would love to post here, I don’t want disrespect John Q’s this thread, I will post new thread for the Dungeon and raid focused macros.

I am depending on John Q’s macro and convert to raiding focused macro since John Q mentioned his macros is sole purpose for PvP. John Q’s macros is best and I am gonna put credited to him whatever i make a macros.

you guys deserve a medal :slight_smile: thank you very much!

First of all,
Thank you for spending the patience and time to figure out how these macro’s should be setup!

Secondly, I’m using this gnomesequencer macro for my 2 monks.
I’m a multiboxer of 10 accounts, and macro’s really come in handy sometimes!

Question … is this macro designed to be spammable?
I’m running quite fast OOM in LFR’s.
Is it possible to make something spammable if this is not the case?

Best Regards!
