My 1st attempt at a macro - 7.2 GSSE

This is my first attempt ever at a GSE macro. I got what I could for the rotation from icy veins. Any suggestions would be great. I am lvl 100 doing about 40k dps.

Talents - 1122112

I keep Flurry out of the rotation so you can cast it when it procs instant cast.
Here is a macro I use for Flurry

/cast flurry

Here is my macro.

Sequences['Bigwench-Frost'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.0.14.
  Talents = "1122112",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = [[Sequential]],
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [combat] Icy Veins",
        "/cast [nopet][target=pet, dead] Summon Water Elemental",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Ice Barrier",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Rune of Power",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Ray of Frost",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Frozen Orb",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Glacial Spike",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Ebonbolt",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Frost Bomb, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Ice Lance, Frostbolt",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Frostbolt",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Ice Lance",

it is best if you Mod flurry and ice lance in the KeyPress. so when the ability procs, you can hold down Alt or Ctrl without breaking the macro itself.

That macro works very well thank you

In case anyone wants a mod flurry instead of a separate macro see below

StepFunction = [[Sequential]],
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
"/cast [combat] Icy Veins",
"/cast [nopet][target=pet, dead] Summon Water Elemental",
"/cast [mod:alt] Flurry