My Bear and Feral while Leveling

Still a work in progress, but this is what I have been using as I level. With the bear one I keep swipe and enrage out as I feel they are a more situational spell and did not want them going off in a bad timing situation. With Cat I keep the prowl out as it isn’t always needed, so it can be manually put in.

Usage Information

This macro contains 2macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.17.

  • The Default macro is 1
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence: Challenging Roar, Maul, Demoralizing Roar, Growl

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

Main Sequence: Attack, Swipe, Enrage, Maul

Updated Feral Macro to reduce Rake amounts, removal of /startattack, and removal of Faerie Fire as it bugs out the macro. After each new skill trained you need to delete the (rank #) and save so that it will work again.


This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.23.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Cat Form

Main Sequence: Rake, Tiger’s Fury, Rip, Claw, Ferocious Bite, Pounce

New Feral for when behind the target ie: in dungeons/raid.


This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.23.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Cat Form

Main Sequence: Rake, Tiger’s Fury, Rip, Shred, Ferocious Bite, Pounce

A few other macros you can put into WoW Classic to help with quality of life.
Combine Both Cure Poisons into one Button
/cast [@mouseover,help][] Abolish Poison
/cast [@mouseover,help][] Cure Poison

Bear form from any form
#showtooltip Bear Form
/cast !Bear Form

Cat form from any form
#showtooltip Cat Form
/cast !Cat Form

Dash from any form
#showtooltip Dash
/cast [noform:3] Cat Form
/cast Dash

Faerie Fire from any form
#showtooltip Faerie Fire
/cast Faerie Fire

Healing touch from any form
#showtooltip Healing Touch
/cast !Healing Touch

Mark of the wild from any form
#showtooltip Mark of the Wild
/cast [@mouseover,help][] Mark of the Wild

Moonfire from any form
/cast Moonfire

Prowl from any form
#showtooltip Prowl
/cast !Cat Form
/cast Prowl

Rebirth mouseover/from any form
/cast [@mouseover,help][] Rebirth

Regrowth from any form
#showtooltip Regrowth
/cast !Regrowth

Rejuvenation from any form
#showtooltip Rejuvenation
/cast !Rejuvenation

Return to caster form

Thorns mouseover/from any form7
/cast [@mouseover,help][] Thorns

Travel form from any form, aquatic and cheetah
#showtooltip Travel Form
/cast [swimming] !Aquatic Form; [outdoors, noswimming] !Travel Form

Innervate from any form
/cast [@mouseover,help][] Innervate

Healing Pot from any into bear (replace potion name with your current potion)
#showtooltip Superior Healing Potion
/use Superior Healing Potion
/cast Dire Bear Form
/cast Bear Form

Healing Pot from any into cat (replace potion name with your current potion)
#showtooltip Superior Healing Potion
/use Superior Healing Potion
/cast Cat Form

Mana Pot from any into cat (replace potion name with your current potion)
#showtooltip Superior Mana Potion
/use Superior Mana Potion
/cast Cat Form

Mana Pot from any into bear (replace potion name with your current potion)
#showtooltip Superior Mana Potion
/use Superior Mana Potion
/cast Bear Form
/cast Dire Bear Form

Healthstone from any into bear (replace stone name with your current stone lvl)
#showtooltip Lesser Healthstone
/use Lesser Healthstone
/cast Dire Bear Form
/cast Bear Form

Healthstone from any cat (replace stone name with your current stone lvl)
#showtooltip Lesser Healthstone
/use Lesser Healthstone
/cast Cat Form

1 Like

I have to say, Nice macro .

I have some small remarks though
In the kitty one.
You have 3x a rake cast there.

/cast [mod:alt] Tiger's Fury
/cast [mod:ctrl] Rip
/cast [mod:shift] Ferocious Bite
/cast [nomod,nostealth] Rake; [nomod,stealth] Ravage
/castsequence [nomod,nostealth] reset=target  Faerie Fire (Feral), nill
/castsequence [nomod,nostealth,combat] reset=target  Rake, nill
/castsequence [nomod,nostealth,combat] Claw, Claw, Claw, Rake, nill

I tried to change it to:


/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [noform:3] Cat Form
/cast [mod:shift] Faerie Fire (Feral)
/cast [mod:ctrl] Rip
/cast [mod:alt] Ferocious Bite


/cast [mod:shift] Faerie Fire (Feral)
/cast [mod:ctrl] Rip
/cast [mod:alt] Ferocious Bite
/cast [nomod,stealth] Ravage
/castsequence [nomod,nostealth] reset=target Faerie Fire (Feral), null
/castsequence [nomod,nostealth,combat] reset=8/target Rake, null
/castsequence [nomod,nostealth,combat] Claw, Claw, Claw, Ferocious Bite

Last line could also be like this:

/castsequence [nomod,nostealth,combat] Claw, Claw, Claw, Rake, Ferocious Bite

I also would suggest the remove the /startattack from the keypress part.
Specially because in your format it will auto select a target, add Faerie fire and start attacking it.
In my form it won’t do that (start attacking) when you forget to disable intime.
You will than have to manually pull the target, which is good when in instances.! << No accidental pulls.

But since the last gse update i get an translation lua line 581 error when i want to safe any changes in game. :\

How do you make the skills auto lvl with you. works great at new char til you lvl up your skill rank. It seems to only work with set rank.

I open the macro back up and delete the (rank #) part and save it again. Then it works again. I found the issue with the saving is due to the faerie fire line. Delete that line and it will work fine again. Gse doesn’t like faerie fire for some reason.

I kept the start attack command there as a personal preference. Meant to remove before posting, will post updated macro when I get home. It only has 1 rake, and some other changes. See my other post for how to fix the saving issue.

There’s a workaround for this. If you use the “/use” with feral faerie fire it works (though you will eat up a gcd casting it while it’s already on a target, it also increases threat on a recast, so it’s worth it, imo. like this:
“/use Faerie Fire (Feral)”

So I have been trying to put a variation of this into the Key Press section of my bear macro. I already have /cast [noform] Bear Form in that section which puts me in bear form from caster form. The trouble is I don’t think you can have a castsequence with forms + Regrowth for example. I have literally tried 20 odd combinations. So something like this /castsequence [mod:alt][Bear Form] noform, Regrowth but this doesn’t work neither does cancelaura, has anyone got this to work?

I want to be tanking then when low on health press alt to cast Regrowth

Hi man, is it possible to make a macro that would cast catform if travelform isnt possible? like when inside? what I mean is both forms in the same “travel” macro depending on the surroundings or rather, location?

These two macros were made from two of my all-time fave cat macros. CYNNFERALUPD and CYNNFERALBT. The backbone is made from two of the most influential feral macros ever and then tweaked for TBC and stuck in the one macro. The main solo farming/questing macro is a front facing attack with the finish of your choice. It starts with a Faerie Fire pull/Mangle/Claw/Rake, it will re-apply Mangle and claw for longer fights. The other macro is for raids and dungeons always attacking from the back. Here Mangle and Shred are kept up with Faerie Fire and a judicious use of Rip should be used for max dps. They both work exceedingly well. Don’t thank me, thank Cynniann.




Talents: CLASSIC

This macro contains 2 macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.55.

  • The Default macro is 1
  • Raids use version 2
  • Normal Dungeons use version 2
  • Heroic Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic+ Dungeons use version 2

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Cat Form(Shapeshift)

Main Sequence: Mangle (Cat)(Rank 2), Rake(Rank 5), Claw(Rank 5)

Macro Version 2

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Cat Form(Shapeshift)

Main Sequence: Shred(Rank 6), Mangle (Cat)(Rank 2)

ok…for some reason the macros even tho they are set separately for party/raid/dung etc they don’t like swapping. If someone can fix this great…if not then just use them as separate macros.



Usage Information


This macro contains 2 macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.55.

  • The Default macro is 1

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence: Enrage, Maul(Rank 7), Mangle (Bear)(Rank 2)

Macro Version 2

Step Function: Sequential

Main Sequence: Attack, Enrage, Maul(Rank 7)

really cool m8 nice work i use it now lvl 70 just change ranks and doing well

Cant get modifiers to work for some reason except alt mod.

This is my AHK script:
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft ; Only run if window ‘World of Warcraft’ is active
$3:: ; If e is pressed
$^3:: ; If e+control is pressed
$+3:: ; If e+shift is pressed
$!3:: ; If e+alt is pressed
Loop ; If any of the above is true then loop below
if not GetKeyState(“3”, “P”) ; If E is not pressed then break the loop
if GetKeyState(“LCtrl”, “P”) ; If left control is pressed then send control+e
Send ^3
else if GetKeyState(“LShift”, “P”) ; If left shift is pressed then send shift+e
Send +3
else if GetKeyState(“LAlt”, “P”) ; If left alt is pressed then send alt+e
Send !3
Send 3 ; If 3 is pressed with no other modifiers send 3
sleep 70 ; Time in milliseconds between key repeats

What MS are you running?


strong text

  • List item

great job keep up the great work

hi just love theses macros

Im getting an error “Unrecognised Import CYNNERTBC was unable to be interpreted”.

Anyone know why?