My dps rankings for normal and now heroic emerald nightmare.

Best BM macro I’ve seen so far.

When should we be using the modifier, only during Bestial Wrath?

Only use the modifier when you want to put cds on hold for burst or combination if cds will line up by holding a few seconds.

Just updated with checkmywow assessments of my logs from Mythic Nythendra and Mythic Ursoc. This macro should be HP imo.

Do you use a separate macro for AoE?

This is AH-MEI-ZING! Just need an AOE version…I guess I could just copy it and put in Multi-shot for CobraShot.

This is what I’m currently using.

Sequences['BMDarmaulAE'] = {
author="Tatershòts@Area 52",
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 3232112",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target,harm]
/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 4; [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix
/petautocastoff [group] Growl
/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl
/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection
"/cast Dire Beast",
"/cast Titan's Thunder",
"/cast Kill Command",
"/cast Multi-Shot",
"/cast [nomod:alt, combat] A Murder of Crows",
/startattack [@target,exists]

Just a note:

For Pet headaches, use this:

/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1; [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix
/cast [@pet,dead] Revive Pet

You need the extra line in cases where your pet is dead and your res is also down.

@Heffa1, thanks for this macro!

Np guys please let me know if you edit it to increase damage. I’ll share any I come up with aswell.

Greetings Heffa1

I’m very interested in using your macro for my BM hunter. Forgive the noobness of my questions.

Why are the 4 cooldown spells (Bestial Wrath, A Murder of Crows, Titan’s Thunder, Aspect of the Wild) located in 3 different places? One in premacro, two in macro, and one in postmacro?

For that matter I’m confused about what premacro and postmacro mean… are they key-down and key-up things?

[quote quote=37859]Greetings Heffa1
I’m very interested in using your macro for my BM hunter. Forgive the noobness of my questions.
Why are the 4 cooldown spells (Bestial Wrath, A Murder of Crows, Titan’s Thunder, Aspect of the Wild) located in 3 different places? One in premacro, two in macro, and one in postmacro?
For that matter I’m confused about what premacro and postmacro mean… are they key-down and key-up things?
pre macro happens to trigger before running through the macro, post triggers off of gcd and the normal macro piece is for gcd items.

Aha! Thanx mate. I’m going to give this a whirl today.

hi guys. This macro is excellent. When i loot a mob, it target automaticly the nearest one. Is there a way to remove this? Thanks again for your job.

Do you have a favorite time press for this macro? (i do 20ms)

With our weapon, isn’t it better to always use multishot for proc titanstrike instead of cobra shot?

[quote quote=37865]hi guys. This macro is excellent. When i loot a mob, it target automaticly the nearest one. Is there a way to remove this? Thanks again for your job.
Do you have a favorite time press for this macro? (i do 20ms)
With our weapon, isn’t it better to always use multishot for proc titanstrike instead of cobra shot?
No you would want cobra for single target and for aoe use multistrike especially with how the killing cobra talent works.

Any advice about that?

When i loot a mob, it target automaticly the nearest one. Is there a way to remove this?

[quote quote=37944]Any advice about that?
When i loot a mob, it target automaticly the nearest one. Is there a way to remove this?

open up the macro in gsse and remove the line in the premacro


or turn off the macro for a split sec to loot your choice

[quote quote=37951]or turn off the macro for a split sec to loot your choice

I ask it because it could give me more confort to change this.

Actually this is what i have, and it still attack when i loot. Maybe it’s a wow setting?

Sequences['bm'] = {
author="my name",
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 3112112",
/cast [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix
/petautocastoff [group] Growl
/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl
/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection
/cast [nomod:alt, combat] Bestial Wrath
"/cast Dire Beast",
"/castsequence [combat] Kill Command, Cobra Shot",
"/cast [nomod:alt, combat] A Murder of Crows",
"/cast [nomod:alt, combat] Titan's Thunder",
/cast [nomod:alt] Aspect of the Wild
/startattack [@target,exists]

nvm same macro

this one seems to be working nicely for me

set your spam to 65ms-100ms and try again i think your macro is geting spamed to quickly
slow it dowen and try i seem to have good dps weith 65-100ms

In fact, even when i press myself the combo, like 3/4 times each seconds (so like 250ms), but even less, it’ll still attack the nearest if i loot. I’ll try to find if it’s not a wow setting… If someone have an idea. Thanks.