My first attempt at a cleave macro - Thoughts

Hey all,
been a lurker here for a couple weeks looking at the macro’s tested in some heroics and found them fun, however tried them in raid and found dps suffered a lot.

i’ve “borrowed” (loosely used) from Cym’s macro listed and morphed it into a very heavy multi target macro, havent given it a lot of testing yet, but seems to do alright on a dummy

i’m also using 4p t20 hence ravager ahead of BC in the sequence, would love a couple tips on how to make it better/more efficient, using this on mistress, replace WW for slam on any other fight and SS for Dauntless on Goroth

Sequences['DasArmsCleave'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.04.
  Talents = "3312323",
  Help = [[First attempt - Credit to Cym for inspiration
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/castsequence [mod:shift,@player] Ravager, Battle Cry",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl] Warbreaker",
        "/Cast Execute",
        "/Cast Mortal Strike",
        "/Cast Colossus Smash",
        "/Cast Whirlwind",

you need cleave… this is very important as it will enhance your whirlwind.