My First Ret Paladin Macro

Not sure how to put this macro in code, so I’m just doing it in the format that I see posted. Note: I use Icy-Veins suggestions when it comes to Talent choices Lvl 15- FV, 30- GJ, 45- BL (especially when soloing stuff), 60- Blade of Wrath (I prefer it over Divine Hammer because auto attacks have chance to reset Blade of Justice- which is Holy power builder; besides Crusader Strike that is), 75- Eye for An Eye (for soloing, and use Word of Glory in a group), 90- Judgment of Light (personal preference of the 3), 100- Crusade (because I like opening my attack with this precast).

My Item level is 911, My Artifact Item Level is 934; Artifact Level 70. The only legendary item I’m wearing is Justice Gaze helmet (Equip: Hammer of Justice deals 384,697 Holy damage, generates 1 Holy Power, and has 75% reduced cooldown when used against an enemy above 75% health). Which is why I have Hammer of Justice in my macro where I do.

I sometimes train on dummies- level 110 dmg and get around 1.4m DPS and on level 112 dmg I get around 750 to 900k.

I’m not new to macros- been using them for the last two years; also have been using/reading and learning from what I’ve seen on here.

I hope this helps. Thanks

Sequences[‘MYRETPAL’] = {
– This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.02.
Talents = “1331232”,
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Priority”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/cast [combat] Crusade”,
“/castsequence reset=target/combat Judgment, Templar’s Verdict, Crusader Strike”,
“/cast Hammer of Justice”,
“/castsequence reset= target/combat Blade of Justice, Divine Storm, Crusader Strike”,
“/cast [combat] Wake of Ashes”,
“/castsequence reset=target/combat Judgment, Templar’s Verdict, Blade of Justice”,
“/cast Crusader Strike”,
“/cast Templar’s Verdict”,