Ned Help with Totem Macro 10.2 dragonflight 2023 nov

I am trying to create a macro that casts all my totems. I’m trying to use
KeyPress and KeyRelease, but I don’t seem to understand how it works, cause the macro doesn’t do anything but casting keypress.
can anyone help me out?

here is the macro I have


Usage Information

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.50.

I would like to help.

But Please copy the entire action block , or better , try to explain what you want to do.

The only totem on elemental spec is the pvp one.

And windfury if youre Enhancement specced.


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okay. i’m not sure how to copy the entire actionblock then. i used the Export function. is there anything else I have to do before Exporting?
to explain I want it to cast Healing stream totem, then skyfury totem, if those are on cooldown i want it to cast Eartgrab totem at my cursor location and then finally Capacitor Totem at my cursor location.

mere selection of the text copy & paste :rofl: :ok_hand:

IF does not exist within wow combat ( blizzard’s api ).

But what you could do is to do something like cast earthfury totem entering combat, and these other 2 on separate keybinds ( as i have ).

/castsequence reset=target/combat Skyfury Totem, null <— in a gse block or in a variable of a block .

On a separate keybind do this :

/castsequence [@cursor] Capacitor Totem, Earthgrab Totem <— in a in-game macro ( from macro menu )

And heal totem use it always with Astral Shift :

/castsequence reset=30 Healing Stream Totem, Astral Shift, null <— same, in-game mcro menu.

Now if you want exactly what u said ( and i dont recommend it for having a little more control ) would be something like this :

/castsequence [@cursor] Capacitor Totem, Earthgrab Totem; [@target] Healing Stream Totem, Skyfury Totem


/castsequence [@cursor] Capacitor Totem, Earthgrab Totem; [@player] Healing Stream Totem, Skyfury Totem

What i dont know, if theres some pvp talent u can lay those totems always on target ( like sigils from demon hunter )


I Used the loop function in GSE and then this simple setup did it. it sometimes mess op the order. but rarely.


Usage Information

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.50.