need a lil help with macro design "tank"

I’m trying to make a simple macro that lets me use my “Revenge” but if “Impending Victory” is up is will use that too/instead. I’ve tried,…

#showtooltip Revenge
/cast Revenge
/cast !Impending Victory

and I’ve tried

#showtooltip Revenge
/cast Revenge
/cast Impending Victory

as well as the reverse the second move on the list is never used, any help would be appriciated

I would simply add a modifier to the macro, like this:

/cast [mod:ctrl, combat] Impending Victory; [combat] Revenge

That way you’re in total control. Simply hold the CTRL key while spamming your macro when you want to cast Impending Victory; otherwise, it will cast Revenge by default.

NOTE: The Weak Auras addon will be helpful in letting you know when to cast Impending Victory.

Hope that helps! :smiley:

Sethadon probably has the better option, but you could try this.

/castsequence reset=0.3 1,revenge
/cast impending victory

It will prioritize IV, you would have to press the button more than once to get revenge to fire.