Need input?

Interval/click delay= ur ping/ms + 15/20

can I get a better explanation of the meaning of this and a possible example?

Well there is a misconception that your keypress interval should be +15/20ms on top of your game latency so if you had a latency if 50 to the world, then you would set a keypress interval of 65ms.

However, your latecy has nothing to do with it really as this is the delay for of the key being repeated which is handled by your system more than your network connection.
Your connection will handle sending abilities to the client which hands off to the spell queue which then handles ability execution, so why would your keypress speed matter, especially when its still 1 skill per GCD minus instants.

/cast [@mouseover, mod:Alt] Effuse

If i wanted to change this to cast on my focus and not mouseover: and if no focus just me do it like this?

/cast [@focus, mod:alt] Effuse

Thanks for any input.

this is the macro layout for to check if a focus is present if not it will cast on target

/cast [@focus,nodead] Spell

can also use

/cast [@focus,harm,nodead][] Blind

[quote quote=60207]/cast [@mouseover, mod:Alt] Effuse
If i wanted to change this to cast on my focus and not mouseover: and if no focus just me do it like this?
/cast [@focus, mod:alt] Effuse
Thanks for any input.[/quote]


You need to add in an extra conditional.

for the most part without any target you will self cast, however what you would do is this:

/cast [@focus, mod:alt][@player] Effuse
because you break up the conditions it turns it into an OR statement so:

If i have a focus target AND i press Alt then i will cast Effuse OR if none of the previous is matches i will cast on myself

Thanks I was trying everything but the @player. I guess I should put on my glassed and read the LUA language. LOL