So what i’m trying to do is cast Havoc on my focus target without me having to change targets.
And cast Cata at my focus area w/o having to radial or mouseover so it would cast it at my focus’s feet.
Any help or tips would be great =)
/cast [@focustarget,harm,nodead] Havoc
As for the second question…pretty sure you can not cast a cursor ability at your focus, Only on sefl or at the cursor location.
/cast [@Cursor] Cataclysm
/cast [@player] Cataclysm
Personally, i use /cast [mod:alt,@Cursor] Cataclysm so i can make sure my mouse is where i want it before it casts.
[quote quote=70598]/cast [@focustarget,harm,nodead] Havoc
As for the second question…pretty sure you can not cast a cursor ability at your focus, Only on sefl or at the cursor location.
/cast [@Cursor] Cataclysm /cast [@player] Cataclysm
Personally, i use /cast [mod:alt,@Cursor] Cataclysm so i can make sure my mouse is where i want it before it casts.[/quote]
Awesome! Thanks