–Test this macro an make your comments, works really nice for me. Use a 100ms spawn time for your macro. The --way you use this macro for multiple adds is to spawn the dots in 1 add, push ctrl key to use seed of
– corruption on it, then switch to another target, rinse an repeat, dont trye to run the whole sequence in
– multiple adds since it could lock due to the amount of souls you have for reaps; in single target didnt had
– a problem in the tests i run. I always used the Nighthold 4 set piece / hood with another legendary for
– this.
Sequences[‘Affliction’] = {
– This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.01.
Talents = “31?1?13 —spawn at 100ms”,
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Sequential”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/use [mod:alt] Drain Soul”,
“/use [mod:ctrl] Seed of Corruption”,
“/use [nopet,combat] Summon Doomguard”,
“/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/target Agony, siphon life, Corruption, agony, unstable affliction, unstable affliction, unstable affliction, reap souls, drain soul, drain soul, life tap”,
“/petautocastoff [group] Seethe”,
“/petautocastoff [group] Burning Presence”,
“/petautocaston [nogroup] Seethe”,
“/petautocaston [nogroup] Burning Presence”,