New to GS

Hello all im new to using GS and cannot figure out exactly where to copy and paste these sequences without messing things up. Below is what ive done in my folder after watching videos of how to but everytime i go to game and hit macros and type in what ive named sequence nothing comes up. Anyone that can help me with this? or maybe give me idea of what im doing wrong

local _, Sequences = … – Don’t touch this

– Rename this file to Sequences.lua before you get started, it uses a different file name so as not to overwrite your existing file with a future update.
– Every entry in the Sequences table defines a single sequence of macros which behave similarly to /castsequence.
– Sequence names must be unique and contain no more than 16 characters.
– To use a macro sequence, create a blank macro in-game with the same name you picked for the sequence here and it will overwrite it.

– Here’s a large demonstration sequence documenting the format:
Sequences[“GnomeExample1”] = {
– StepFunction optionally defines how the step is incremented when pressing the button.
– This example increments the step in the following order: 1 12 123 1234 etc. until it reaches the end and starts over
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1

-- PreMacro is optional macro text that you want executed before every single button press.
-- This is if you want to add something like /startattack or /stopcasting before all of the macros in the sequence.
PreMacro = [[

/run print("-- PreMacro Script --")

-- PostMacro is optional macro text that you want executed after every single button press.
-- I don't know what you would need this for, but it's here anyway.
PostMacro = [[

/run print("-- PostMacro Script --")

-- Macro 1

/run print(“Executing macro 1!”)
/cast SpellName1

-- Macro 2

/run print(“Executing macro 2!”)
/cast SpellName2

-- Macro 3

/run print(“Executing macro 3!”)
/cast SpellName3

– Here is a short example which is what most sequences will look like
Sequences[“GnomeExample2”] = {
– Macro 1
/run print(“Executing macro 1!”)
/cast SpellName1

-- Macro 2

/run print(“Executing macro 2!”)
/cast SpellName2

-- Macro 3

/run print(“Executing macro 3!”)
/cast SpellName3

Sequences[‘ComSimple’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/cancelaura Blade Flurry
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostealth,nocombat]Stealth
‘/castsequence reset=target Revealing Strike,Slice and Dice,null’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Eviscerate’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/castsequence reset=35 Revealing Strike,Slice and DIce’,
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Adrenaline Rush
/use [combat]14

Sequences[‘ComSimpleAOE’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/cast [nomod] !Blade Flurry
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
‘/castsequence reset=target Revealing Strike,Slice and Dice,null’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Crimson Tempest’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Sinister Strike’,
‘/cast Killing Spree’,
‘/castsequence reset=35 Revealing Strike,Slice and DIce’,
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Adrenaline Rush
/use [combat]14


That macro didn’t work for me. Maybe try another one.

Did you rename the 'ExamplesSequences" file to “Sequences”?
Also, instead of just listing things, you can do a Step Function like below,

Also, when you post sequences on here, use the CODE button before and after the code to put a black box around it, otherwise copy/paste will change the icons and make it not work at all.

Sequences[‘ComSimple’] = {
	StepFunction = [[
		limit = limit or 1
		if step == limit then
			limit = limit % #macros + 1
			step = 1
			step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/cancelaura Blade Flurry
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostealth,nocombat]Stealth
	'/castsequence reset=target Revealing Strike,Slice and Dice,null',
	'/cast Eviscerate',
	'/cast Sinister Strike',
	'/castsequence reset=35 Revealing Strike,Slice and Dice',
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Adrenaline Rush
/use [combat]14

I’m not positive, but I believe that your problem is that you have a blank line just prior to the closing bracket of each sequence. It is my understanding that you should have at least one blank line between each sequence, but no blank lines within the area marked by { }.
See if that helps.

Sequences[“Legionbear1”] = {
 PreMacro = [[
 /targetenemy [noharm][dead]reset=target
 /console Sound_EnableSFX 0
 [[/cast !Mangle]],
 [[/castsequence Thrash,Moonfire,Maul,Swipe]],
 [[/castsequence reset=target Savage Defense,Swipe,Swipe,Savage Defense,Frenzied Regeneration,Iron Fur]],
 [[/castsequence [combat] reset=target Moonfire, Mass Entanglement,Iron Fur]],
 [[/cast Survival Instincts]],
 [[/cast Thrash]],
 [[/castsequence Swipe,Moonfire,Maul,Mangle,Iron Fur]],
 [[/cast Thrash]],
 [[/castsequence Swipe,Moonfire,Maul,Mangle,Iron Fur]],
 [[/cast Thrash]],
 [[/cast Pulverize]],
 [[/cast Incapacitating Roar]],
 [[/castsequence reset=12 Maul]],
 [[/castsequence [combat] reset=60 Barkskin]],
 [[/castsequence [combat] reset=50 Mighty Bash]],
 [[/castsequence [combat] reset=180 Berserk]],
 [[/castsequence reset=30 cenarion ward]],
 [[/cast !Mangle]],
 PostMacro = [[
 /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
 /console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Sequences[“legionbear2”] = {
 PreMacro = [[
 /targetenemy [noharm][dead]reset=target
 [[/castsequence Thrash,Thrash,Thrash,Pulverize]],
 [[/castsequence reset=5 Savage Defense,Swipe,Swipe,Frenzied Regeneration]],
 [[/castsequence [combat] reset=target Moonfire, Mass Entanglement]],
 [[/cast !Mangle]],
 [[/castsequence reset=12 Maul]],
 [[/cast Survival Instincts]],
 [[/cast Thrash]],
 [[/castsequence Swipe,Moonfire,Maul,Mangle]],
 [[/cast Thrash]],
 [[/castsequence Swipe,Moonfire,Maul,Mangle]],
 [[/cast Thrash]],
 [[/cast Pulverize]],
 [[/cast Incapacitating Roar]],
 [[/castsequence [combat] reset=60 Barkskin]],
 [[/castsequence [combat] reset=180 Berserk]],
 [[/castsequence reset=30 cenarion ward]],
 PostMacro = [[
 /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
 /console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Ok how do I fix this?

someone posted a legion guardian tank code, and it wasn’t in the code box.