Newest 7.1.5 version

Okay I have worked on this for a bit I do really good dps with it but I need to polish it a bit.
If anyone has any ideas on the sequence part ie: shots to add or remove please let me know.
My iLvL is 888 and I have the legendary bracers, that’s why bursting shot in in there because of the high damage.
I use multi-Shot to apply hunter’s mark on all the targets.

What I use this is for AoE in NH and only on 3 bosses do I change talents to 1,3,1,3,1,1,3 for single target damage. But normally for AoE I use 1,1,1,3,1,3,3 And I have different gear for single target dps.

Sequences['HMM_BOSS'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.00.
  Talents = "1113133",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast A Murder of Crows",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Multi-Shot",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Windburst",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Arcane Shot",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Marked Shot",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Windburst",
        "/castsequence Aimed Shot, Aimed Shot",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Bursting Shot",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Multi-Shot",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Marked Shot",
        "/cast [combat] Trueshot",
        "/cast [combat] Blood Fury",

Let me know what you think, test it and let’s get the best we can make for the MM Hunter since blizzard screwed us and made us a mostly AoE class now.
I use AutoHotKey set at 6ms for my keypress. If a different time works better let me know.

Hey Ron,

Is the 6ms base on your home latency or just what you’re comfortable with?

Why no volley its the go to on aoe which is 90% of fights in nighthold

[quote quote=45169]Why no volley its the go to on aoe which is 90% of fights in nighthold
If you look at my talent tree Volley is in there, no need for it in the macro as once you toggle it on it is always on.
11131 this one is volley>33 for single target I swap talents to Murder of Crows.

[quote quote=45155]Hey Ron,
Is the 6ms base on your home latency or just what you’re comfortable with?
6ms is what the original script I got for AutoHotKey was set for. I don’t know if there is a better time or not, that’s why I asked for input.

i was pulling if i was lucky 300k with this rotation and 94% of the aimshots wouldnt fire and this was with 8ms delay. was always focused capped.

[quote quote=45358]i was pulling if i was lucky 300k with this rotation and 94% of the aimshots wouldnt fire and this was with 8ms delay. was always focused capped.

  1. Like I said my gear may make up the difference, and I have the legendary that makes bursting shot hit harder.
  2. I didn’t ask for bitching about this macro.
    3.I asked for constructive criticism, and ways to make it better.
    4.I do not see you posting any macros worthwhile.
    5.I pull a hell of a lot more dps with this than you do,so it must be a gearing difference or talent choices as I have laid out mine in this post. What are yours?

On the spread cleave AOE dummy targets just outside the entrance at the class hall I was pulled 1.09m DPS on a 3 minute fight.

This was with 4pc, leggo boots, leggo belt and an extra trueshot relic. (RNG hasnt blessed me with CoF yet)

Some things I did to make it work better for me was: Removed AmoC from the macro (there is no need to ever cast this in an AoE fight unless you are godly at micro-managing the spell)
Removed bursting shot from the macro because it’s not in my rotation as I don’t use that legendary that makes it better.

I also removed the casting of trueshot and the racial because often times its bad to just cast it as soon as its up. On spellblade you’ll want to wait to cast trueshot until the adds are up, and not on CD.

I did use this for a single target test and was not happy with what I saw. On a 3 minute test on a single target dummy I ended up at around 475k dps. And with another macro I came up with on the fly I ended up at 501k dps on a 3 minute fight with the same gear.

All this was done with me manually clicking the keys as I still have yet to figure out how to use autohotkey. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello, thanks for the info.
Having AmoC in there does nothing unless you have the talent. I have it in there for ease of use when swapping talents around for single target fight for now till I figure out a good single target macro.
What was the macro you came up with on the fly for single target?
As for timing of use that is up to you, I have trueshot in there as well as the racial because it is easier for me, some of us don’t have perfect hands that work fast or well anymore. That’s the reason I use macros now, not because I am lazy.
As for the AutoHotKey once you have it installed here’s what you need to do.
•1. Right-Click on your desktop.
•2. Find “New” in the menu.
•3. Click “AutoHotkey Script” inside the “New” menu.
•4. Give the script a new name. Note: It must end with a .ahk extension. Ex. MyScript.ahk
•5. Find the newly created file on your desktop and Right-Click it.
•6. Click “Edit Script”.
•7. A window should have popped up, probably Notepad. If so, SUCCESS!
That is taken directly from the help section. Once you have created the script and named it whatever you like copy this into it. Just change the number for the key you hit. Mine is set to the number 2. So if you were to use say key 1 then you would change just the number 2 to a 1.
if not GetKeyState(“2”, “P”)
Send 2
sleep 6
And sleep is the keypress time in ms

[quote quote=45367]

i was pulling if i was lucky 300k with this rotation and 94% of the aimshots wouldnt fire and this was with 8ms delay. was always focused capped.

1. Like I said my gear may make up the difference, and I have the legendary that makes bursting shot hit harder. 2. I didn’t ask for bitching about this macro. 3.I asked for constructive criticism, and ways to make it better. 4.I do not see you posting any macros worthwhile. 5.I pull a hell of a lot more dps with this than you do,so it must be a gearing difference or talent choices as I have laid out mine in this post. What are yours? [/quote]

i was simply providing my experience with the macro , not having a personal go at you.


i was simply providing my experience with the macro , not having a personal go at you.

You seem to be only one with low dps. Try lowering your ms to 6. Mine fire just fine.