[Night Fae] Convoke the casbah

Take Balance Affinity, Mass Entanglement, mod:shift to switch from Bear to Moonkin and drop the hammer with Convoke the Spirits.

Its core is a edited DARKBEAR_8.3, so id like to give credit to darkonius/darkmanz for that, modified to be less general and to my liking, added in a mandatory 2nd macro as well for the covenant functionality.


This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.33.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Frenzied Regeneration

KeyPress: Bear Form, Berserk, Survival Instincts, Frenzied Regeneration

Main Sequence: Swipe, Thrash, Ironfur, Barkskin, Mangle, Maul, Moonfire

KeyRelease: Swipe, Thrash

Post Macro: Frenzied Regeneration

Drop The Hammer


Usage Information

Mandatory companion to CONVOKE_THE_CASBAH

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.33.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Bear Form, Moonkin Form, Covenant Ability

Main Sequence:

Drop The Hammer will switch you to Moonkin Form and cast Convoke the Spirits but you will need to manual cast back into Bear after the channel is complete, if anyone would like to help me to have it change you back into Bear Form after the cast any help would be appreciated



Thanks for this! It works great for using bear in Torghast. There was a small typo in the Drop the Hammer macro on one of the pause lines, but easily fixed. I also added this to the top of the sequence section in the CONVOKE_THE_CASBAH macro: /cast [noform] [form:2] [form:3] [form:4] [form:6] Bear Form . All of that probably isn’t needed, but I just copy pasted the line from another macro I added it to that allows me to switch to Moonkin Form and just adjusted it for Bear form. So far, it seem to be working fine to allow the Convoke the Spirits cast on shift, then it swaps back to bear form and continues with the rotation. Again, thank you!

first of all great macro dude ! thumbs up man … thx so much for shareing it .
i was woudering is it possible to put in a Heart of the wild before the convoke and a sunfire and a starsurge in after the convoke is done ?? am pretty new in here and dont know much regarding macro thats way am asking . and if possible … how do i do it . ?

Firstly great macro and I was wondering what ms do you run it at? thanks

Here u go for the shifting back into Bear after dropping the hammer with Convoke


Usage Information

Mandatory companion to CONVOKE_THE_CASBAH

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.42.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Convoke the Spirits, Moonkin Form, Bear Form

Main Sequence:

Actually a better way of doing it here, I found no matter what I did with the previous it would clip Convoke, so rather just rotate back to previous macro by using ALT and boom!


Usage Information

Mandatory companion to CONVOKE_THE_CASBAH

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.42.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Convoke the Spirits, Moonkin Form

Main Sequence:

I’m relatively new to bear in Shadowlands. When is a good time to use pulverize other than when there’s 2 stacks of thrash? Also, your talents in the macro have resto affinity instead of balance affinity.

really liking the macro for

  1. its using the old darbear as a template, loved that macro
  2. shifting into moonkin do damage

tho i have to say for some reason its not switching me back into bear. Do i have to put something in my moonkinform to shift me back?

ok… lotta thought and conjecture here but pardon my confusion…which macro version for the companion version bear>moonkin>convoke and then BACK to bear form…and is that on a separate macro you hit just to activate that covenant ability. …good work … sorry for my confusion. thanks.

@ Fuhrious
I have a quick question for you in Convoke the casbah you have the talents as 2232133 but you have incarnation guardian of Ursoc in the macro which is a talent so wouldn’t the talents be 2232333 instead of what you have them as or should they be the ones you have

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Dear Crypt
Appreciate your help to advice if that I can add some other Cds in this macro such as [Heart of the Wild] and BTW the macro not put me back again in to [Bear Form] so if u could explain how we add spells to this macro and what we can do and what we can’t as I asked on Lazymacros on discord and they advised to contact back with u so your help would be really appreciated .

so whats the difference , besides the covenant spells, between classic and SL macro formats…?? just wondering … level from 50 to 60 in classic should be able to use the same??? . thanks…

Love the macro but no matter what I do, it will not correctly switch forms. I have checked keybinds to make sure there arent any conflicts but still no luck. The macro starts fine, but when you press shift, it takes you out of bear form to stance 0, THEN fires convoke, then refuses to switch back to bear. Just repeats over and over that spell requires bear form. Any help is appreciated.

Can you make this where it will work with Feral, please