Nightfall/Ruin SoD P3

Tried to put together a quick affliction macro for P3 SOD

It’s a little bit hard to test out of raid so feel free to throw some ideas/suggestions/comments in here.
Drain life, Drain Soul and Life tap are all manual presses for situational.


SHIFT: For when Nightfall Procs or hold for the Shadowbolt Filler
CTRL: Shadowburn

Pandemic, Master Channeler, Grim of Synergy, Demonic Pact, Demonic Knowledge, Unstable Affliction, Haunt
Swap out Haunt for SBV for AOE pack pulls.



Talents: Nightfall/Ruin 17/3/21

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.65.


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Working great! What MS do you run the macro at?

Currently sitting at 250 I’m pretty sure.

Sweet and did you use this to level? Or Demo?

I didnt use anything to level… I only just made this for p3 … it snot like we have many buttons to press while leveling haha

I do notice that in the open world, it starts with the imp attacking and the player wanting to melee attack. You could also use a wand as a filler while it waits to re-apply dots.