Nightmaven Presents VENTHYR M+ and Raiding

This Macro is based on the Venthyr Covenant and uses Sinful Brand off CD and requires the Venthry Havoc DH Legendary Agony Gaze. Immolation Aura is also built into this macro and will be used off CD.

This is a work in progress, so I’m open to recommendations. This macro assumes the 1 1 X 1 1 2 1 Build. The X is based on individual play style. Unbound Chaos or Glaive Tempest. This build will improve as you gain more haste.

As with my other macros, I’m a proponent of LESS IS MORE!

Built in Modifiers for Meta, Demon’s Bite (if/when low on fury) and Throw Glaive
/cast [mod:ctrl,@player] Metamorphosis
/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling] Throw Glaive
/cast [mod:shift,nochanneling] Demon’s Bite


I’m open to suggestions and recommendations. If anyone finds errors or recommendations, please let me know and I will test them out.