No macro goes beyond the first command

tim have you tried to key bind your macro on your action bar to say your mouse wheel down. but doing this will mean u have to change how you zoom in and out. i find instead of wearing out my arms spamming keys i bind the ones i need most to the mouse wheel up or down depeing on is it an aoe attack or a single target attack. this may save your tired arm some altho your index finger on your mouse hand may wear out in long boss encounters expecially if your the tank lol. if you need help figuring out the key binding part of it msg me and i’ll walk you through it.
ps glad to see you got your macro working

Thanks again to everyone seeing that I finally understand how all this works.
I have moved on to doing macros for my other characters to “make life lazier” :smiley:

However, my curiosity is now into:

How fast are you guys actually spamming these keys?

On my disc priest if i go faster that 2 presses per second it doesnt fire nearly anything but smite and will even lock up not doing anything

On my hunter I can press twice that fast and its lovely no matter what.

I made macros also for my warlock, but havent officially tested them yet.

My ret pally is too low level yet for anything other than target enemy and use one spell really and hit the rest manually :smiley:

[quote quote=17822]Thanks again to everyone seeing that I finally understand how all this works.
I have moved on to doing macros for my other characters to “make life lazier” :D

However, my curiosity is now into:

How fast are you guys actually spamming these keys?

On my disc priest if i go faster that 2 presses per second it doesnt fire nearly anything but smite and will even lock up not doing anything

On my hunter I can press twice that fast and its lovely no matter what.

I made macros also for my warlock, but havent officially tested them yet.

My ret pally is too low level yet for anything other than target enemy and use one spell really and hit the rest manually :D

Can you PM your priest macro to look at it. Easiest way to ID what is going on with it.

Okay first of il start with quick introduction Names Robbie I’ve been using and making macro’s since well since forever. I don’tUse them cause I’m lazy but it simply makes life a little less complex (less time bar watching no messy proc add ons more time to focus on the boss and the “fire”)

Im constantly fighting an up heal battle against blizz as it seams my macro’s have become to advanced and they do not like them and i quote “Your macro’s are giving you what we think is an unfair advantage and takes the element of control out of the game” Basicly they don’t like the fact that when i was 530 i was doing 300k dos burst 200 k sustained with 1 button (note prier to WoD patch.

just before Patch i was raiding mythic which was the old heroic version of SoO i was on average about 576 ilvl with 4 set bonus and bis sep and trunks i was BM spec Using 1 super macro i made for rotation prods extra and 1 button for Opening i was bursting 1.2 k mil and sustaining around 600-700 k on ALL bosses ! The best thing about it i didn’t even need to watch my bar once i could just spam spam spam spam the macro.

Since patch its clear blizz are trying to restrict this sort of control system even though its not against T&C so the original macro scripts i where running with keep freezing and locking out (Not surprised) Note before they locked out i tested them just after the patch came out and i was sustaining 70 k dos on dummy (thats with the stats crunch) as BM which I’m sure a lot of u have realised is a bit of a dead spec since the only really viable spec is MM at the moe.

Since then they have completely stopped the script format i was using and i recently got told about this site and have scanned it for hours for helpful macro scripts and have re tweaked and played with the macros i originally had and still nothing as close to what i had before however i did see a lot of people with macro based questions and problems i once had to overcome so i thought id share

This macro is a MM all in One spamming ( hit button multiple times fast) macro
Its lazy in the sense it will work your rotation fire of all cool downs and even more than that it will also loot the mob for you so u don’t even have to move (provided you have glyph of fetch on)

Its also a stencil of what i have now made a working awesome macro for MM which I’m sustaining around 32 k and burst of 60 k (This I’m not going to share just yet :slight_smile: can’t give away all my secrets :slight_smile:

So here is your easy to use easy to work macro for farming or what ever


#showtooltip Chimaera shot
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target,harm]
/cast [noharm] fetch
/cast [target=focus,help] [@pet] Misdirection
/castsequence reset=target Steady Shot,Aimed Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot,Aimed Shot,Steady Shot,
/castsequence reset=9 !Chimaera Shot, Glaive toss,
/cast !kill shot
/cast [combat] Stampede
/cast [Combat] rapid fire
/USE 13
/USE 14
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Okay few quick things it will MD you pet or if u set someone to your set focus aka the tank it will MD them.
[combat] means it will only proc these when combat starts so no more accidentally oops i popped my css before the pull >.<
Fetch requires the glyph - basically spam it even when mob dies and it will send your pet back over to loot the boss Note you Cannot loot while moving
I removed Glaive toss because i found i liked to time it when i had more mobs to hit also i found tbh it wasn’t a best dos increase both barrage and glaive toss are bit naff since patch

Any questions il be glad to help either here or in game Anarchy#2253 Feal (I also have macros for all my classes and all the different specs hints and tips) Been an end game content raider for years and real now its time to share and help others experience the level of game play i have :slight_smile: enjoy