No macro goes beyond the first command

Hi guys, I am super-duper new to all this. I am a level 32 BM hunter so most of the stuff you guys are adding into your macros are things that will take me months to achieve (work, etc comes first still).

#showtooltip /cleartarget [dead][noharm] /targetenemy [noexists] /petattack /cast Arcane Shot /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear() /startattack

This is successful and goes like auto shot, arcane shot, auto shot, auto shot, auto shot, etc until thing is dead. The first auto and arcane seem to come simultaneously so its actually good like this.

Theres no install instructions anywhere on the net for that macro toolkit mentioned on this site and it seems full of bugs anyway as of 6.0.3.
I don’t even want any addons at this point.

What I want on a single key press is the above targeting and startattack at the end:
(no need for /petattack cuz he runs off anyway!)

Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Steady Shot, Kill Commmand
Just these 4 simple spell/commands.

Psuedo Script:

#showtooltip /cleartarget [dead][noharm] /targetenemy [noexists] /cast Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Steady Shot, Kill Command /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear() /startattack

Absolutely NOTHING I try, has made a macro do more than one “spell” when using the above and other variations i’ve seen people do with sequences and “reset” this or that.

Fact: If I add a second spell, it never works and just keeps auto shot going until the thing dies.

Yeah, on ANY character I have, using 2 spells in succession in a single action bar icon macro… impossible.

Any assistance would be HIGHLY appreciated :smiley:


#showtooltip /cleartarget [dead][noharm] /targetenemy [noexists] /cast Arcane Shot /castrandom !Blood Fury /castrandom !Kill Command /castrandom !Steady Shot /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear() /startattack

This one actually fired off the Blood Fury (along with Auto+Arcane Shot) too when its not on its 2 minute cooldown, but never the others with that " ! " (I read from Beef somewhere that the ! makes it a priority)

I killed about 20 monsters trying to see Steady Shot or Kill Command pop up “randomly” but …epic fail on that one.

First thing I see is you can’t cast more than one skill on a line without a /castsequence command, so /cast Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Steady Shot, Kill Command would probably only cast one arcane and then quit, if it cast one at all. You’d also probably want a reset command in there so if the target dies on one portion of your sequence, your character won’t be stalled. For example, I haven’t played a hunter for a long time, but if kill command is situational and your first target dies after your steady shot, then your macro will stall without a reset. Try something like /castsequence reset=target/0.5 arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Steady Shot, Kill Command.

Start there and see what happens.

I added the line you said even though so far no single script has allow a second “attack spell” like this:

#showtooltip /cleartarget [dead][noharm] /targetenemy [noexists] /petattack /castsequence reset=target/0.5 Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Steady Shot, Kill Command /castrandom Blood Fury /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear() /startattack

And all it did as in my first post is
Auto shot, arcane shot, auto shot, auto shot, auto shot
It also fired the Blood fury too, but nothing else in that list as usual

Hi Tim
Try this …i had a quick go…
thing to note too you have “/targetenemy [noexists]”,basically your targeting something that does not exist…or i read it that way…anyway
have a go with this

/castsequence reset=target Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,steady shot,Kill Command
/castrandom Blood Fury
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Or this one

/castsequence reset=target Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,steady shot
/castrandom !kill command
/castrandom Blood Fury
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Shouldn’t really need the 0.5 reset…just see if it works best without it…or add it back in.

As far as macro-toolkit etc goes…probabaly im odd…but i love ‘Bindpad’
you can find the link here

Have a go see what happens…add an extra steady shot in if your focus runs low

get Macro tookit first and then try this macro

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=5 Arcane Shot,Steady Shot,Kill Command,Steady Shot,Arcane Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot,Kill Command
/castrandom [combat] !kill shot

Let’s clarify, because it’s been a question I’ve had for a while and I’ve seen it both ways, the /targetenemy command… the things in brackets afterwards… are those exceptions or conditions? IN the past few posts there’s been /targetenemy (if it) [exists] and /targetenemy (unless it can do) [noharm] (or unless it is) [dead].

Ok Lets give all these a run:

/castsequence reset=target Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,steady shot,Kill Command
/castrandom Blood Fury
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

That one did nothing new, I still get only: auto arcane auto auto auto…+blood fury
Adding the /0.5 to target also changed nothing in the behavior.
Also when i hit it, it now targets but does nothing, then i have to hit it again for my toon to shoot.

/castsequence reset=target Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,steady shot
/castrandom !kill command
/castrandom Blood Fury
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

That one did nothing new, I still get only: auto arcane auto auto auto…+blood fury.
Adding the /0.5 to target also changed nothing in the behavior.
Also when I hit they key for it, it now targets but does nothing, then I have to hit it again for my toon to shoot.

I noticed in both of the above you have “steady shot” as the only one with no capitol letters. Is that for a reason? Either written in or capitols or not it still didn’t work.

@Nano: I said in my first post i can’t get that macro toolkit (I did download it) because it explains nowhere on the internet how to or where to install any of that ton of files that look so randomly thrown into the zip it comes in. If I knew what to do with it…I would of course try it. I also said I don’t have Kill Shot yet.

Thanks to all so far…but nothing seems to make this happen. :frowning: Yes, I click save on the macro each time too hehe

They are conditions that the line will run or not. Easyer example if you look at a rogue or ferral druid macro they will have conditions like [nostealth] [stealth] [combat] [nocombat].
i used to think of these extra things in brackets as a waste of characters in the macro, but now find them so handy. I think my favorit has to be [@mouseover] you dont need to have macro toolkit for these conditions to work but if your adding them to a macro they can make it too long to fit in a standard macro box, depending on how may other lines and spells you have in a macro. Its why its worth using a macro extender like Macro toolkit (which is now working again) many thanks to the auther Deepac, and should also be working in the next expantion too.

Thanks for clearing that up Furrytank.

Ok I finally found out how this toolkit gets properly installed.

Attempting to steer this back on topic:
+Nobody knows why these “simple” 255 character macro suggestions are not working for me?


So I loaded the toolkit, it properly shows me the interface and all that so i emptied the text, and added what Nana suggested minus the Kill Shot + Blood Fury…still exactly the same behavior of only casting bloodfury and the arcane shot+ autoshots. This is really starting to get on my nerves.

I also tried this one that I modified, all commands are nice and purple, no errors and still does only what I always only get so far:

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/castsequence reset=5 Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Steady Shot, Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Concussive Shot 
/castsequence reset=15 !Steady Shot
/castrandom Blood fury
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Not even those sound effects play or maybe im missing something.

It is not play a sound effect. It kills the sound until your target is dead and then turns sounds back on. Reason for it is it will “mute” the error sound from spamming the button.

/console Sound_EnableSFX is sent to console to manipulate the sounds. 0 and 1 is on and off. 0 being off 1 being on. Think of it like a light switch.0 is down 1 is up.

how fast are you hitting the macro? once every second or fast as you can?

Couple of things Tim:

  1. Are you pressing the key repeatedly?
    You don’t actually just hold down the button unless you have a rapid fire keyboard or are using a program called AutoHotKey or simiilar, which can turn your keys in to rapid fire buttons. If you are pressing the button quickly, do you have high latency on your realm? High latency can aggravate button pressing issues.
  2. What spec are you in?
    I assume you are in MM for steady shot. I haven’t played my hunter much since the patch, and I just want to be sure you are in a spec that has Steady Shot.
  3. No, when typing up the names of spells capitalization has no relevance. It sometimes breaks talents, but not spells.
  4. Many people use Curse Client to download and install addons. This would remove your difficulty in installing MacroToolKit. You already solved this problem, but I thought I would offer the info.
  5. As a matter of taste, you do not NEED the /petattack or the /startattack lines in your macro. Both of these things happen automatically when you fire off a spell, unless you have Attack on Assist turned off in the menu, which shouldn’t be relevant anyway, since you use this macro to autotarget. (beware of this in pvp areas)

Well to test what its doing im only hitting it once actually to see if it will fire off multiple attacks.

I cant get 2 attacks with one button press, so far only get 1 attack(+further auto attacks) and 1 buff going if not on cooldown.
Maybe im just doing it all wrong? Maybe gimme a clue how i should be “spamming” to get this button to do arcane shot steady shot and then kill command then another arcane shot. That was kinda my original aim with all this.

Hey Max I really didnt see your post, but thanks a lot for you finishing touches on my understanding.

I had no clue I had to spam the button itself to get multiple attacks working! Crazy how much time I wasted not knowing this one simple thing…maaaaaaaan.
I honestly thought a macro would be 1 press and all those commands fire one after another.

After knowing this, I got 2 attacks+blood fury on that button to work, so now I have to go back up through this thread and try all that stuff again until Kill Command also fires!!! Then I have to figure out just how quickly I need to spam it. I can see this giving me a real problem in my left arm though. (I’m kinda old)

/petattack: without it he will wait until my first shot actually hits the target. With it he leaves as soon as I hit the button.

/autoattack: I only added it because so many of these pr0 looking macro writers on this site had it in nearly all of their presentations.

Spec: I am a lvl 29 Beast Master

Thanks so much to everyone :smiley:

I’m a little old too, so let me try to help you out with that trick arm.

Download button is at the top. After running it once you don’t need to run it again.

$1:: Loop { if not GetKeyState("1", "P") break sleep 70 Send {1} } return

Paste the above in to a NOTEPAD document. Save it as something like Rapid1.AHK
The AHK at the end is the key. Before you load wow, double click the axript you just made, the icon should be Maroon H with a white background. It will go in to you system try on the bottom right of your desktop. Right click the icon in your system try and select Exit if you want it to stop.
When the script is running, holding down button 1 on your keyboard will send the keypress to your program rapidly. the 70 in the script is how quickly it will press the key for you. There is debate on how quickly the button should be pressed, but it really has to do with your latency.
You can modify this script to use other keys as rapid fire by changing the 1s in the script to 2s or what have you. I, personally, use 1, 2 and 3, as I find since the 6.0 patch true one button macros don’t work, so make hybrids, which I should get around to posting, but never do.

Good Luck

[quote quote=17779]Hey Max I really didnt see your post, but thanks a lot for you finishing touches on my understanding.

I had no clue I had to spam the button itself to get multiple attacks working! Crazy how much time I wasted not knowing this one simple thing….maaaaaaaan.
I honestly thought a macro would be 1 press and all those commands fire one after another.

After knowing this, I got 2 attacks+blood fury on that button to work, so now I have to go back up through this thread and try all that stuff again until Kill Command also fires!!! Then I have to figure out just how quickly I need to spam it. I can see this giving me a real problem in my left arm though. (I’m kinda old)

/petattack: without it he will wait until my first shot actually hits the target. With it he leaves as soon as I hit the button.

/autoattack: I only added it because so many of these pr0 looking macro writers on this site had it in nearly all of their presentations.

Spec: I am a lvl 29 Beast Master

Thanks so much to everyone :D

Having /petattack and /autoattack in your shot rotation macro, can be a bit hazardous for an inexperienced Hunter, as it can target and fire off onto additional mobs, when your main target dies. Thereby pulling additional mobs, on to your group. Tanks tend to get upset at hunters who do that.

I use the following pet attack macro that also controls ‘grow’ when in group or not.

/petautocastoff [group] Growl
/petautocaston [nogroup] growl

I also use the following macro to recall my pet in case it starts to head to a mob, that I don’t want it to:


Note: The pet return macro will sometimes cause the pet to get stuck next to you. to clear it just use the pet attack macro.

Glad your up and running tim,i was beginning to think it was a bit of troll at first,but yes easy mistake to make when your new to using these macros,spamming wise i mean :slight_smile:
Like max says autokey will automate your macros…but not sure if its for you…can be simple yes…but can be complicated too…
Anyway…see how you go and happy hunting :slight_smile:

[quote quote=17793]Glad your up and running tim,i was beginning to think it was a bit of troll at first,but yes easy mistake to make when your new to using these macros,spamming wise i mean :)
Like max says autokey will automate your macros…but not sure if its for you…can be simple yes…but can be complicated too…
Anyway…see how you go and happy hunting :)[/quote]

It also can get your account banned, if Warden get a hint of it.

Well…Thanks for all the nice tips here with the pets etc :smiley:

I surely dont want to do anything that will get my account banned…and I am finding that hitting this button at a pretty relaxed speed isnt getting me in trouble!

Its enough just having a legal macro that allows me to keep my eyes on whats going on rather than down on the action bars.

the pet stay and follow is sweet idea :smiley:
Also one of my next questions was going to be about making a macro only for pet attacks, but then i got this one ive been working on to do a really wide varietey of things, with a boss that takes a bit longer to kill im getting:
blood fury
arcane shots
steady shots
kill command and last but not least:

plus the pet is of course smacking out his own range of things (a big turtle!) while this is going on so im probably too powerful for my level with this :smiley:

How about a DPS check addon???

Using AutoHotkey to press the button repeatedly isn’t against the tos. Using it to write complicated scripts to automate your toon and make decisions for you is. A big difference. Same program, much different use and scripting.
Recount is what this link leads to. It counts your dps among many other things. Probably the widest used dps meter addons.
Intimidate shouldn’t be put in a macro, IMO, as it is situational and your pet has to be next to what it is stunning. In my case, what it is presently attacking is often not what i want stunned, rather i want the add attacking me while I am attacking a different thing is what i want stunned. Basically, I don’t recommend it.
Multi-shot is for crowds and it can and should be macro’d later with Glaive Toss, but for normal single target DPS, it shouldn’t. It ends up pulling more mobs than what you intend and gives an overall lower dps when fighting less than 4 mobs.
You might want to look in to some of the other great macros already posted on these forums for macros that include steady shot, arcane shot and kill command. These folks do excellent work and deserve praise. Just read the whole thread if possible before pasting the macro into your toolkit, sometimes instructions or usage specific situations are necessary.

I have put Intimidation into the following pet burst macro:

/cast Intimidation
/cast Dire Beast

Note: You can also add /cast Stampede or /cast A murder of crows, to the above macro. however due to their long cool downs, I prefer to save them for boss fights, and fire them off separately

Lastly here my Pop It macro.

#showtooltip Aspect of the Fox
/cast Aspect of the Fox
/use 13
/use 14
/use 6

Note the ‘/use 6’ is for my Engineer Hunter. If yours is not one you can leave it off.

As a side note: Each piece of gear are assigned a number, as follows:
1 = head
2 = neck
3 = shoulder
4 = shirt
5 = chest
6 = belt
7 = legs
8 = feet
9 = wrist
10 = gloves
11 = finger 1
12 = finger 2
13 = trinket 1
14 = trinket 2
15 = back
16 = main hand
17 = off hand
18 = ranged
19 = tabard