None Gnome

Hi All

My comp & game doesn’t like gnome, I love but just cant use it.

Does anyone have/use BM hunter “toolkit” Single & AOE macro’s please?

One i I tried to use in gnome also inc “misdirection” & “mend pet”

Can any one help please?

My comp & game doesn’t like gnome, I love but just cant use it.

What other addons are you using? GS has been know not play well with some of the other Macro storage addons, such as Super Duper Macros. Also GS was recently updated To fix some of the issues that some players were having; you might want to see if the updated one will work better for you.

Cheers John,

I dont use a great deal of addons and I use toolkit but had it turned off when i was trying to use gnome.
Also the last time i tried to download gnome my virus protector gave me warnings about it :stuck_out_tongue:

Well i loaded gnome again and my comp and game does not like it grrrr
its takes forever for the game to load and the it is not creating the macro’s

E.I in the gs folder I placed a macro called “Ret” from this site,
then tried to make a new macro but after typing in “Ret” and clicking ok there is not “#showtooltip” /click Ret.
even when i typed that in manually the macro wouldn’t work :frowning:
So back to toolkit for me :frowning:

[quote quote=22815]Cheers John,
I dont use a great deal of addons and I use toolkit but had it turned off when i was trying to use gnome. Also the last time i tried to download gnome my virus protector gave me warnings about it :P

Where are you downloading it from? If you are downloading it from WoWinterface, then most likely the warning was a false positive. WoWInterfase is a official fan site. As such they pre-screen all addons before posting them. Just make sure you are going to the real website and not a spoof one; By directly typing in WoWinterface’s domain, instead of trusting Google links.

Hi John,

Thank you for your help with all this, I really would love to be able to use gnome.

this is where I am downloading it from :

I do wonder why Curse still doesn’t have it yet :stuck_out_tongue:

MoldpatakQX I can not see your comments that you are leaving for some reason :frowning: