[nTx] IMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR [Level 70] [Demon Hunter] [Havoc]

Your Caption „Feel free to ask“

Ok so im pulling 120K dps all the way to 20M overall damage on your test Macro (i think you pulled it now) so thats a good sample. The only thing that hangs is meta, and its no biggie as its easy to pull it manually.

I’m able to automatically keep momentum up almost 100% of the time with no drop off.

I am using NaowhUI interface and all associated WAs. Ive found a good streamer with a ton of info on rotation etc. is ‘Jedith’ he concentrates on Havoc DH and different set ups and tips very helpful. He has a few WAs which help with Vengful retreat and also uses the NaowhUI.

theres a target demon simple ingame macro for a quick kill. its made a huge difference in getting the Demon buff quickly and holding it. Just a simple mouse over target macro. Ive assigned a hot key.

/cast [@mouseover, exists] Throw Glaive; Throw Glaive

this macro was the best so far, Im not even going to tweak it.

keep up the good work.


Enjoy the new Update!

Remember that you can find more info at my discord (More info on first post)

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Enjoy the patch !


pretty cool macro! but i seem to be having a couple of issues :frowning: when i press control for metamorph the game acts as if i turned the macro off until i release the key. and sigil of flame isnt even firing off at all. did i miss something?

That is how the modifier keys work, they pause the macro until you release the key. Basically by pressing a modifier key you are telling the macro to hold up, I want to perform this quick action that is not part of the main macro, then you can resume when I release the key. You aren’t meant to just hold control though…you only press it long enough to transform into demon form, then release it. As far as Sigil of Flame goes, you may be running your macro at too high a speed. Try running it at 200ms…anything lower can cause some abilities to get skipped.

ah ok tyvm for the info. does seem to help when i put the ms to 200 instead of 100. i see another issue tho but should this be ignored? i havent got an lua error yet but this keeps popping up everytime i save the macro

That happens when you merge instead of replace…Delete and import again.