Not allowed to post anything about d I scord on this website, word is censored, my server link is censored.
------------ Disclaimer ------------
Take it or leave it, it’s my work, not yours. If you edit the macro by yourself and it doesn’t work just delete it and try again, don’t ask questions about your edited macro.
If any one of your loadouts on either havoc or vengeance have the Precise Sigils talent then it disabled the self cast macro for all specs and loadouts…
So check both Havoc and Vengeance and disable it everywhere.
--------------------- UPDATE STATUS ---------------------
Hey! I have been looking around on Razer Synapse to find the feature which gives your macro presses a random delay between 100-250ms. Unfortunately I do not think there is such an option, if there is I would love to know. Good work and thank you for this macro!
I’m fairly new to this and just got back into WoW, so my feedback may just be due to my ignorance but I’ll give it a go. Only noticed (unless I’m blind), Glaive Tempest and Felblade are missing from the sequence. Other than that, the macro works just fine for dungeon runs/content clearing. It performs long enough to kill a group of trash mobs but for tougher opponents like bosses it has it’s downtime which I would assume is normal.
Not much of value to my feedback but there it is, solid work.
Just a quick note on this Macro. It has Annihilation and Death sweep in the blocks. Those should be Chaos Strike and Blade Dance. The DH DPS system understands if you are in Meta that Chaos Stirke = Death Sweep but it does not understand Death Sweep = Chaos Strike, meaning if you are out of Meta the macro does not cast those two spells. Changing these greatly improved performance on this macro. Additionally, disable trinket use as it will stop your eyebeam cast early.
As you said system understands that and the system itself did change it without any kind of manipulation by me. Gonna upload it again later but it changes…
You didn’t notice it changes automatically on each metamorphosis and checked after one, macro is working as intended as I said in my last post. And if you think it’s still wrong, don’t worry I’m going to make it read-only so it doesn’t change.
Random delay between a top and bottom limit is also available on all the Corsair mice in their iCue software.
M65, Nightsword, and Scimitar are all solidly usable mice. I’ve flipped back and forth between Logitech, Corsair, and Razer for years. I’m back on Corsair at the moment.