Nuptup’s Lazy Atonement
Made for the laziest of disc priests who still want to clear progression content.
Also, it’s ConsolePort friendly and designed with that as the primary method of playing.
Here’s the GSE Macro Import:
And here are the Talents that I am running: Cataclysm Classic Talent Calculator
Generic Settings:
ActionButtonUseKeyDown is enabled
MS Click Rate is 250
Each of the “actions” in my macro are individual macros that I have made in the “< Character > Specific Macros” section. The following are all of the macros I use, what they’re used for, and when to use them. Not all of them are used in the GSE macro, as the GSE macro is only there for your Atonement spells and the always use healing spells. I went overboard and made macros for every single spell so I can have them all doing exactly what I want, when I want, with no confusion.
Here’s all of my Macros:
Casts Archangel, keeps trinkets activated, doesn’t cast if channeling anything. Remove a trinket if you have one that’s better to save for later, like a mana-pot trinket, or a pvp trinket.
/stopmacro [channeling:Divine Hymn]
/stopmacro [channeling:Hymn of Hope]
/stopmacro [channeling:Penance]
/cast Archangel
/use 13
/use 14
Casts Binding Heal on your targeted ally, healing them and you quickly.
#showtooltip Binding Heal
/stopmacro [channeling:Divine Hymn]
/stopmacro [channeling:Hymn of Hope]
/stopmacro [channeling:Penance]
/cast Inner Focus
/cast [help] [] Binding Heal
Casts your three buffs in order
/castsequence Power Word: Fortitude, Shadow Protection, Inner Fire
Announces you are drinking to restore mana, but doesn’t spam chat if you hit it while still in combat. Uses mage water first, then the best level 85 water we have from inventory if no mage water is available.
/stopmacro [combat]
/y Getting Mana
/use Conjured Mana Cake
/use Highland Spring Water
Casts Flash Heal on current target, or self if that target doesn’t exist or is an enemy.
#showtooltip Flash Heal
/stopmacro [channeling:Divine Hymn]
/stopmacro [channeling:Hymn of Hope]
/stopmacro [channeling:Penance]
/cast Inner Focus
/cast [help] [] Flash Heal
Sets current target as your focus. Good for quickly setting a tank as focus at the start of a dungeon or during tank swaps mid-fight. This is important as most/all of your macros in the GSE macro utilize your focus in one way or another.
This one is built into GSE Macro, always making sure that you have your PWS on the Main Tank you have your focus set to.
/stopmacro [channeling:Divine Hymn]
/stopmacro [channeling:Hymn of Hope]
/stopmacro [channeling:Penance]
/cast [@focus] Power Word: Shield
Same as FS, but for Greater Heal. Typically use this for topping off between pulls.
#showtooltip Greater Heal
/stopmacro [channeling:Divine Hymn]
/stopmacro [channeling:Hymn of Hope]
/stopmacro [channeling:Penance]
/cast Inner Focus
/cast [help] [] Greater Heal
Heal Hymn
Just made a macro for this to give it a name and icon that are more clear to me since I get so dang confused because we have TWO HYMNS THAT BOTH ARE CHANNELS… WHY!
#showtooltip Divine Hymn
/cast Divine Hymn
Used by the GSE Macro to cast holy fire. Will prioritize YOUR target if harmful, then your target’s target if you’re targeting an ally, or your focus target if you aren’t targeting anyone, casting on the tank’s target automatically.
/stopmacro [channeling:Divine Hymn]
/stopmacro [channeling:Hymn of Hope]
/stopmacro [channeling:Penance]
/cast [harm] [@targettarget,harm,nodead] [@focustarget,harm,nodead] [] Holy Fire
Mana Hymn
Same as Heal Hymn, but for mana.
#showtooltip Hymn of Hope
/cast Hymn of Hope
Casts Mass Dispell at your cursor. Bind it to a mouse wheel for quick use.
/cast [@cursor,combat] [] Mass Dispel
Used by the GSE macro to cast penance on your CURRENT TARGET if they exist, and if not, on your focus if they exist (tank) or on an enemy if they are targeted, or yourself. Most GSE Healing spells are set up like this to allow you to heal someone directly if they are your main target, or defaulting to your focus if you don’t have a friendly target selected, keeping the tank alive.
/stopmacro [channeling:Divine Hymn]
/stopmacro [channeling:Hymn of Hope]
/cast [help] [@focus,help,nodead] [] Penance
Casts Prayer of Healing on current target if they exist, otherwise focus or self.
#showtooltip Prayer of Healing
/stopmacro [channeling:Divine Hymn]
/stopmacro [channeling:Hymn of Hope]
/stopmacro [channeling:Penance]
/cast Inner Focus
/cast [help] [@focus,help,nodead] [] Prayer of Healing
Same as Penance and PoH, used by GSE Macro to cast it on cooldown.
/stopmacro [channeling:Divine Hymn]
/stopmacro [channeling:Hymn of Hope]
/stopmacro [channeling:Penance]
/cast [help] [@focus,help,nodead] [] Prayer of Mending
Same as Mass Dispell, but for Power Word: Barrier.
/cast [@cursor,combat] [] Power Word: Barrier
Non-Focus version of power word shield, allowing you to directly apply it to other party members besides the tank.
/stopmacro [channeling:Divine Hymn]
/stopmacro [channeling:Hymn of Hope]
/stopmacro [channeling:Penance]
/cast Power Word: Shield
Casts single target res on dead ally if targeted, otherwise casts mass res if no dead ally is targeted, or casts pain supression on target or tank if you are in combat.
/cast [combat,help] [@focus,combat,help,nodead] [combat] Pain Suppression
/cast [nocombat,exists,dead] Resurrection
/cast [nocombat] Mass Resurrection
Used by GSE macro same as holy fire.
/stopmacro [channeling:Penance]
/cast [harm] [@targettarget,harm,nodead] [@focustarget,harm,nodead] [] Smite
And here is a visual of my action bar set-up, showing where the buttons are located and what they’re set-up to do.
As you can see, my GSE is bound to the “A” button on my controller. I won’t go over the entire keybinds, because you likely aren’t using ConsolePort, and if you are, you’ll find a set-up you like, or you can message me on Discord and I’ll export my exact profile for you.
How this works is pretty simple. In a dungeon, you will target your tank, use the focus macro, and from then on, about 95% of your healing will be done by literally just spamming your GSE bound button. The faster you spam it, the smoother it goes. IF you need to directly heal someone, simply target them (in my case using the d-pad in dungeons, or activating the raid cursor in raids by pressing Left Trigger+Left Bumper).
After targeting someone, if they only need minor healing, just keep spamming the macro. The next Penance/PW:S/PoM will be cast on them, and they’ll heal up. If they need fast/large amounts of healing, you would then cast the FH or GH macro to hit them with Flash Heal or Greater Heal. If YOU also need healing, use BH instead to use Binding Heal for both of you.
If the target is in immediate danger, target them like above, and keep holding the GSE macro WHILE MOVING and the ONLY spells that will cast are PW:S and PoM, since they are both instant cast and will immediately apply a shield or heal to them. After that is applied, resort to the above strategies.
For group-wide damage, use the GSE Atonement macro as much as you feel comfortable doing, and start using PoH if you must. Large party AoE damage is also a good time to use Power Infusion on yourself, or to cast PW:Barrier or Healing Hymn.
I’ve been using this for an ungodly amount of Elemental Rune Protocol dungeons, and I’ve had no issues what-so-ever with them. In raids, for 10-mans, you might have a little issue reacting to spike damage on single players if you are 2-healing, but in a casual 3-healer comp, it’s very fun and relaxing. In 25 man’s, just make sure you’re in the party with the tanks for easy focus swapping and life is good, let the other healers focus on the panic healing, you just do what disc does best and use your atonement to mass shield and spot heal the entire damn raid.