OAK Beast Mastery Hunter - Dark Ranger AND Leader of the Pack

OAKBMST & OAKBMAE - 2 Button Single Target & AOE
Should work with any build.

Complete Re-Work - I think it works pretty well. BM Hunter is surprisingly hard to build a good sequence for. :slight_smile:

CTRL to force a Multi-Shot SHIFT+ALT to force a Call of the Wild AND any modifier to force a Bestial Wrath

Including some @Cursor macros - these are NOT Necessary for the sequence to run.

Video of me creating this sequence

Checkout my Youtube Channel for Guides/Tutorials for GSE https://youtu.be/SZm8oDr47VM

Import String

This package consists of 2 elements.



Talents: Please Refer to Wowhead or Icy Veins

I don’t have a Patreon, but if you like my macros, you can buy me a coffee. :slight_smile:


very nice macro, thanks for sharing, love your videos btw. super helpful.

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Thank You! Glad you like it

oak, your video was great. Helps a noob creator like me a lot. I still don’t understand why we would want /targetenemy [noharm][dead] in our macros though. It spells disaster on raids or groups because it just keeps auto pulling stuff. Can you explain that to me more?

I parsed 5 min ilvl 480 at 163k dps , nice job!

Can’t right click control camera while the macro is running. Seem like it’s constantly targeting or clicking something.
// It’s because of my trinkets xD

Great macro always look for your work 1st before trying other macros =}

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hey Oak! Nice macro, is there a way to Add Hunter’s mark to the single target macro?



Put a new macro block at the top that says
/castsequence Hunter's Mark, null


Create a macro using /macro Call it HUNTERSMARK and then in that macro have it say:
/castsequence [combat] reset=target Hunter's Mark, Null
Then put a new macro block at the top that calls the in-game macro you just created by putting this in the macro box:

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hey oak!

ok sounds good i will try that!



would be great to have the mods listed in the macro help info area. great macro though as always!

I did notice the macro has shiftalt: call of the wild, but you don’t use COTW in your talents

I explain it in my video. This sequence can be used with multiple builds, those with COTW, and those without.

The shiftalt mod is there for people who want to control when COTW fires off, if talented. If this is how you want to play, disable the block that auto casts COTW.

It’s all explained here:

Thanks Oak. What ms should we set our mouse speed at for these now?

Whatever works best for you. :slight_smile: I know you wanted a specific number, but ms is very subjective.

yo Oak, been using your aoe macro for a while now, just a question, everytime i login and use the macro for the first time i get an error message saying “unknown macro option: target” just wanna check with you if you know whats up? I’ve double checked with my ST macro from Bumblebee and its the same /target commands so im not sure whats going on. The aoe macro still works fine though.

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Hmm… Maybe it’s coming from the target=pet line in block 2

/cast [nomod, nochanneling] Claw;[nomod, nochanneling] Bite;[nomod, nochanneling] Smack;[nomod, nochanneling] Blood Bolt
/cast [nomod, nochanneling, target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [nomod, nochanneling, nopet, dead] Revive Pet
/cast [mod:ctrl] Multi-Shot

Might be, I will try some stuff and see if I can fix it. :slight_smile:

Hey, pretty nice one! iLevel 481 hitting 180-200k on Litch King.

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Thanks for the Macros. I’ll be testing them out on my BM Hunter(s). Question, however, why do you have:

/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl
/petautocastoff [group] Growl

in the code for the macro? Growl is automatically turned off when you are in a Group for Instances or Raids, and you want it on when you are soloing stuff for Questing or WQ. The only time I can think when you would need to turn it on and off is when you group up in an outdoor setting to do a Quest and your group has a Tank. Am I missing something, is there something else going on that has changed and I don’t know about?



Just finished testing your Macro in several fights over 2 minutes long, and I am looking at a 36.88% increase in overall DPS over the Macros I was using.

Thanks for the Macros.

It may just be the old-school in me, but I’ve seen too many times (even after bliz changed the way growl works) where a pet taunts mobs off the tank to trust the changes, so for me, I keep it in. Feel free to take it out if you like.

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I guess part of the reason I was asking was of the 255-character limit that has been repeatedly mentioned, those 2 lines alone are 61 characters, that almost 25% of the allowed 255-character limit. I also understand the old-school reason for it, with the pets taunting mobs off tanks, but with the changes Blizzard has made I have not had that happen in a long time now. I didn’t know if you had found that had changed lately as a result of the patch. Thanks for the information.