OAK Beast Mastery Hunter - TWW and Pre-Patch

Yeah, I have not. It’s just one of those things that I’ve grandfathered into my sequences. Also, the 255-character limit is PER block, not per the entire sequence. So 61 characters in that block are no issue.

trying this next as im an altoholic right now. loved your prot pally and ret pally macros

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Hey Oak, I usually use your stuff, always works. Dire Beast isn’t firing off for some reason!

Hi Oak, macro great as usual… technical question (maybe) I saw u posted the whole guide thing on how to set up so wonder if you may have insight…

In 3.2 the GSE Option “Require Target to use” is not longer present leading to a lot of ninja pulls. It’s fine now for normal but in M+ this is going to hurt. I see taking out all the /targetenemy [noharm][dead], /petattack, /startattack etc stops this issue, but… Explosive Shot. For some reason Explosive shot when pressed (even manually using wow interface and actual ability auto targets the nearest enemy so adding it to any sequence regardless of removing all the auto targeting commands means that the sequence effectively “starts” with Explosive Shot then as your now in combat and targeting an enemy continues.

I’ve gotten around this so far by just removing Explosive Shot from all sequences and manually firing it but do you know… is there a command that essentially stops this? I’ve searched google, i’ve looked through countless GSE pages and I’m stumped… essentially I need a command that’s basically /onlyifyoutargetedsomething
/cast Explosive Shot

or /ifnotargetskipblock else
/Cast Explosive Sho

Sorry for the essay - this is driving me mad :smiley: Any idea’s? :stuck_out_tongue:


Your stuff was the best in prepatch… any idea when we can see the new one for the Xpac Tree (and black arrow :)?

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Yes this build is great, I play pack leader and this is the best one on here by far. A current update would make it even better.

Updated for Hero Talents and TWW Release - OAK Beast Mastery Hunter - Dark Ranger & Pack Leader


My hero. Thanks man. Your prepatch macro was on point and it was still outperforming the newer ones for me. I can’t wait to give these a try later today.

Single target is firing fine. For some reason Aoe is not firing for me. Awesome job on the single target tho Oak. Got it working for some reason had to import it multiple time and it finally started firing.

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Screenshot 2024-08-31 043236
I don’t get this changes at all. Just coming back to try . I import your string it loads but in macro I don’t see OAKBMST or AE. Also key bind I set it to 1 and 2 and have mouse button 4 set to 1 and mouse button 5 set to 2 but doesn’t fire only when i press the 1 or 2 key it fires?

did you get the aoe to work?

that is not how GSE works anymore, type /gse then import then under the keybinds tab you have to click new click a sequence then assign what key you want.

Can’t get this to import at all mate? copied import string from wago, checked sequences and macro’s, nothing there. A lot of others have imported fine, but this just wont? Any idea?

i just imported from there and it went in fine. wonder why it didnt for you.

Got it now, maybe server was lagging? Thanks Oak!

i moved my block UP a few times and it’s better. not an expert but it works for me

k works now. It changes the wow key binds in game so i was setting them back lol

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Sorry, I can’t see the latest talents on WAGO. Can you stick them to show them

Talents: Please Refer to Wowhead or Icy Veins

Hey Oak, have been using these and tried to update the existing ones by re-importing from Wago but am getting gobbledegook in block 3.3:
|cffddaaff/cast|r |cff88bbdd|cff55cc55[mod:ctrl]|r |cff88bbddMulti-Shot|r|r
|cffddaaff/cast|r |cff88bbdd|cff55cc55[nomod:alt/shift, nochanneling, combat]|r |cff88bbddBlack Arrow|r|r
|cffddaaff/use|r |cff55cc55[nomod:alt/shift, nochanneling, @cursor, combat]|r |cff88bbdd 13|r
|cffddaaff/use|r |cff55cc55[nomod:alt/shift, nochanneling, @cursor, combat]|r |cff88bbdd 14|r

Not sure what the issue is. Same thing happened with Gaupanda’s as well from Wago. No problems importing those that are posted direct on WoW Lazy. Might be a wago issue…??

Update: I tried to import 2 of the older versions (which had been working fine for me) but am also now getting a few garbled blocks in each sequence. Most of the blocks are fine though

Recent update (as of 9:42 am PST): Re-imported from wago and everything looks fine now. Not sure why some of the blocks were odd…#shrug