OAK Protection Warrior - Mountain Thane & Colossus

OAK Protection Warrior - Mountain Thane & Colossus



Should work with any build


NONE - No Mods Used In This Sequence

Import String:

Video of me creating this sequence

Checkout my Youtube Channel for Guides/Tutorials for GSE
OAK’s YouTube Channel

This package consists of 1 elements.


  • OakProtWar

Talents: Please Refer to Wowhead or Icy Veins

If you like my sequences, you can buy me a coffee :slight_smile:


Awesome! :smiley:
Really enoying the GSE macro.

1 Like

hey @OAK I can’t seem to get an opener out of this macro. ie) warrior doesn’t charge at the target to start

I keep charge out of the sequence. You can charge in yourself and then start the sequence. It saves a thunderclap going off mid charge nowhere near the mobs you’re charging into.

Without a doubt this is the best one button tank macro I use it in mythic 10 and heroic raids.

how much ms are u using for it?