Oak Ret Pally Macro DF 10.2.6/7 - Season 4 Update #3 - UPDATED BASIC VERSIONs (4/27/24)

so bizzare
the macro is making my in combat rez fire all the time?

when i open your gse i dont even see that skill in there.

It’s not in there. I would say that’s impossible.

no bro u see CD on next CR not on your CR so for sure u can use it i got this before and i was same like u xD just use CR trust me u can use it !!

ah so confusing

thank you

Thanks for the update OAK. But The only reason why I’m not switching from V2 to V3 is because when i try the “Hold ALT + SHIFT at the same time to fire all cds” It doesn’t work. I hold them, and then i start my macro running at 30ms and it’s just stucking trying to click the Avenging wrath. I do have my Shift 1-5 occuipied, is this the reason or why?

I’ve tested other scripts with only ALT or only CTRL, and it works great

Can i change the CD to fire off with only ALT instead of SHIFT + ALT, or will this destroy anything?

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [mod:alt] Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
/cast [mod:alt] Avenging Wrath
/castsequence [known:Final Reckoning, @player, mod:alt] reset=combat Final Reckoning, Divine Toll

like this

Yes, you can change that.

Also, your shift problem may be this

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I’m having the same issue as above re: shift+alt motifier not working for ST, I don’t use ElvUI but I did go and see if that was maybe the issue, no go.

All the same, thanks for keeping the macro updated, I appreciate it a huge amount.

i already make whole macro to use only ALT without SHIFT and all works g8t

Solve the issue for me :slight_smile: But it seems like ur V2 AoE macro performs better for me than v3 (3-5k more dps)

But for ST, ur V3 works better - 417 ilvl with x2 tier set pieces.

Not sure if anyone else is having the same issue but it seems that every time i reload ui or login
The marco wont work. so i have to delete and import it all again
is there a way to not make this happen HELP please!!

never happened to me, rly dunno.

I had this issue as well and it turned out it was another addon causing this problem, mine was with another person’s GSE macro however. It wasn’t ElvUI for once, but I believe a bag addon.

i dont know wth

in raids my in combat rez is unusable.
Im always seeing a timer on it.

And when that timeer is showing i cant cast it.

noob here… just wondering? from reading the posts notice the talents you posted on May 2nd,which worked great for you, were the same for both st/aoe while in all the others you are dealing with two different talent build … one for st and one for aoe…being a noob could this be creating a problem. I dont know how you can choose two different talents for macros or three or four to get different macros to work together…but then im a noob… sorry if this sounds dumb but im a noob… thanks.

the macros dont change, they will work with ALL talent build’s. the ONLY DIFF is one casts your AOE spender vs your single target spender. ANY build will work with the macros as u will NEVER not have the abilities.

@punahou Since you mention this being an issue in raids specifically… Combat Rez’s work differently in a raid situation.

In raids, battle-rez’s are shared across the raid.

It works off a charge system. The raid starts the fight with 1 BRez available. Then you get additional charges at a rate of 1 per (90/ RaidSize) minutes. So if there are 20 people in the raid, you get an second res at 4.5 minutes, and a third at 9 minutes.

The raid only loses a charge when someone accepts a resurrection.

If you’re seeing a timer on your Battle Rez, it’s likely the raid’s battle rez was on cooldown.

i have sort of the same issue the battle res greys out when using the prot marco i will try and get a video and show u

While in retribution spec cr can be launched for free, in prot spec you need 3 charges of holy power to cast it

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thanks for the explain… appreciate it… :wink:

wells that terrible that they put the whole raid on a shared cd for these combat rezes