Oak Ret Pally Macro DF 10.2.6/7 - Season 4 Update #3 - UPDATED BASIC VERSIONs (4/27/24)

Awesome. Talents… I use the recommended Wowhead build. I still use crusading strikes, but any build should work.

Updated Videos

Short Video on the Cleave Dummies

Short Video on the Single Target Dummy

I have been using this to level a pally from 60 to 70 and works great!

Hey that’s very good! Thanks, appreciate the good work.

I have been experimenting a bit today and I think it’s close to perfect. There is two main reasons that separate it from perfection imo (both due to T31):

  1. Expurgation sometimes falls off
  2. Judgment is not cast enough
  3. (Judgments-next-attack-buffs are overlapped with Divine Resonance)

I put the 3rd in paranthesis because I believe with more judgments casted, it would results in a marginal dps loss

You can see the difference in the logs here between a Ret who was using a perfect rotation, and mine (Fahreknight), resulting in a 20k dps difference.

I have managed to negate the first bullet above by putting Blade of Justice on a modifier and casting it manually when it’s 2 sec to expire. Still looking to find a solution for the judgments.

Anyway great job mate, thanks again for the hard work!

PS: running at 30ms

As of today, trying to import both ST and AOE loadouts gives me an error that says, “Error: The loadout your are trying to import was saved from an old version.”

thats probably because Tim put a new GSE out for his patreons. so now that message will pop up til you get the new GSE.

Works great! Still prefer the non lazy version :sob: just to time bursts for more mobs in m or delay for boss…

Will you remake in the future?

The only things changed/updated were the lazy version. The non-lazy version should still work as it did before, there shouldnt need any updates to that version

That just means the talents listed are from the previous patch. This has nothing to do with GSE changes and is solely about Blizzard Talent changes.

Loudoun is Blizzard shorthand for “Talent loudout”

hey, very nice job. the only question i have. why my icon becoming with “?” icon on start rotation. i tried to import profile without make auto icon, but than i can’t move icon to action bar. thank you!

oh also, in rotation when hammer of wrath is available or judgement it seems not using it when is nothing else available, there is way to fix it ?

a bit sad u dont do havoc

Try Gaupanda’s for Havoc :slight_smile: His Havoc and Vengance have gotten me to 2.7k and I’m aiming alot higher xD

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it doesn’t work for me, it activates the first 2 skills then stops and autoattacks only. i enabled key-down but the icon becomes “?” and stops.

is it still valid? thought he stoped

@OAK Great job and great macro!

I was very interested in your interface, it sounds so clean, could you please share it and the list of addons needed?


Did you say Havoc? Try this out…

wich talents should i use for M*?
and Txs for the Macro weldone!

cant wait to try this in pvp :slight_smile:

Same to me… do you fix it? :slight_smile: mfg

same the aoe on this one works amazing, im 449 and doing 300k bursts on aoe without 4set, but the single target one is garbage. stays on the ? at all times. not sure whats wrong with it. st im doing like 50k on a boss fight.